Saturday, 30 June 2018
The Tory Banker, The Worker and The Immigrant
Three people sat at a table, a Tory banker, a worker and an immigrant. They have 10 apples on the table in front of them. The Tory banker takes 9 apples then whispers to the worker "You should take that last apple before the immigrant steals it !" (Adapted from a meme)
Tory Trolls
Tory Trolls are like a pirate ship with the cannons facing down, just let them fire off a few shots and they'll sink themselves :)
NHS moaner
I blame the immigrant doctors and nurses , who apart from saving lives all day, don't really contribute to society. I wish people would stop moaning about private patients taking up beds and using NHS resources, also moaning about the extra layer of admin and profit requirements from privatisation, sure the costs to the end patient goes up and the quality goes down , but i'm a shareholder, cha ching !
Also old people paying in tax and N.I. contributions all their lives should be cut off from NHS resources the minute they stop contributing. With pensions, income tax, VAT, mortgages, council tax, road tax, rent etc that will be roughly around the same time they die.
While i'm at it, there's too many people using the NHS, while it's true that as more people use the NHS it also means more people are paying tax and N.I. contributions into the NHS pot. I don't like logic.
Oh and the lefties who moan about the corrupt deals with big pharma that means big pharma are now making 6000% more profit than they used to, by charging the taxpayer almost 10x the cost cost of generic alternatives. That really winds me up.
PS if you have a heart attack , please go to your local chemist for some rennies. No point wasting NHS resources and time.
PPS If you disagree you must be a complete and utter Jeremy Hunt.
Also old people paying in tax and N.I. contributions all their lives should be cut off from NHS resources the minute they stop contributing. With pensions, income tax, VAT, mortgages, council tax, road tax, rent etc that will be roughly around the same time they die.
While i'm at it, there's too many people using the NHS, while it's true that as more people use the NHS it also means more people are paying tax and N.I. contributions into the NHS pot. I don't like logic.
Oh and the lefties who moan about the corrupt deals with big pharma that means big pharma are now making 6000% more profit than they used to, by charging the taxpayer almost 10x the cost cost of generic alternatives. That really winds me up.
PS if you have a heart attack , please go to your local chemist for some rennies. No point wasting NHS resources and time.
PPS If you disagree you must be a complete and utter Jeremy Hunt.
Thursday, 28 June 2018
Schrodinger's immigrant
Schrodinger's immigrant : Somehow they are able to steal our jobs while simultaneously being unemployed and claiming benefits lol (Adapted from a meme)
Wednesday, 27 June 2018
Labour invest, Tories Sell off our Investments.
Labour invest in infrastructure, Tories sell it off and drive up debt with excessive borrowing and corporate handouts. Labour have historically always borrowed less and paid off more of our national debt. The Tories have created 2/3rds of our national debt.
The Attlee Labour Government rebuilt Britain after WW2 and Nationalised the Bank of England, National Coal Board, Railways, British Leyland Motors, British Telecom, Gas and Electricity, Iron industry, Steel Industry, Inland Transport. They also implemented the "cradle to grave" policy which gave us our welfare state and NHS.
The Tories have sold these investments off : North Sea Oil and Gas, Railways, Energy production / Electricity, British Telecom, Royal Mail, Rolls Royce, BP, Jaguar, British Airways. Water Industry, parts of the NHS, Prison system, Military assets, Land.
These assets and institutions used to provide us with profit that is used to reinvest in industry, improve our infrastructure and support public institutions. Now those profits go to the corporations who run them and on top of that we have to pay them subsidies to do so. While they take their profits out of our economy or funnel them into tax havens.
For instance our railway's profits are going to the Chinese, Indian, Italian, Dutch, French and German companies that own them to support cheaper rail networks in their respective countries.
Tuesday, 26 June 2018
Welcome to Britain Trump
Dear Donald,
Welcome to Britain you racist, orange, giant oompa loompa misogynistic egotist. Please feel free to take a stroll of London and visit the knife crime hotspots you child locker upper, trade war starter and tango terrorist.
As part of your tour we have arranged for you to be put in stocks outside the Tower of London and will be allowing the local population to throw rotten food at you from the local food banks, of which there are many. While I realise most of the food is in tins and glass jars, we have decided to go ahead with the idea anyway.
Kind Regards you fluorescent orange fascist,
The left !
Sunday, 24 June 2018
Tory Cabinet.
Tory cabinet is like an MFI cabinet, far too expensive, plenty of screws missing, hard to assemble, weak and wobbly, falls apart after limited use and bankrupt. Although the Tories are also morally bankrupt...
Saturday, 23 June 2018
Trump has started a trade war with the EU and China has destabilized the economy by giving tax breaks to the rich at the poor's expense. He is an incompetent inept failed businessman with all the class of a spoiled child having a hissy fit.
He has locked up children after taking them away from their parents and forced them to take drugs without consent. He risked the peace process that was started without him in Korea, but has still tried to take credit for it. Taken healthcare from 23 million Americans. Dropped out of the Paris climate accord and the UN human rights council agreements. Also dropped out of the Iran nuclear deal as well as the nuclear treaty with Russia possibly reigniting the arms race and drawing us closer to ww3.
He is an inept bigoted racist giant oompa loompa with all the tact and grace of a charging bull with violent tendencies. A misogynistic egotist and an illiterate ignoramus with a very limited vocabulary and an over exaggerated self-aggrandising nature that any self respecting narcissist would be proud of. An impotent potus and a danger to world peace.
He has locked up children after taking them away from their parents and forced them to take drugs without consent. He risked the peace process that was started without him in Korea, but has still tried to take credit for it. Taken healthcare from 23 million Americans. Dropped out of the Paris climate accord and the UN human rights council agreements. Also dropped out of the Iran nuclear deal as well as the nuclear treaty with Russia possibly reigniting the arms race and drawing us closer to ww3.
He is an inept bigoted racist giant oompa loompa with all the tact and grace of a charging bull with violent tendencies. A misogynistic egotist and an illiterate ignoramus with a very limited vocabulary and an over exaggerated self-aggrandising nature that any self respecting narcissist would be proud of. An impotent potus and a danger to world peace.
Cannabis medication profit in the UK
Essentially The NHS pay GW Pharma the vastly inflated costs of cannabis medication, using British taxpayers money. GW Pharma pay British Sugar for the Cannabis. Philip May's Capita Group invests in GW Pharma and Theresa May's Secretary of State Victoria Atkins' husband runs British Sugar and grows 18-hectares of cannabis. While she refuses to support cannabis legalisation.
Hence the British taxpayers pay for the NHS to buy medicinal cannabis at extortionate rates from British Sugar via GW Pharma with several top level Tory MPs profiting from said relationship. Including Philip May and Victoria Atkins. Thieving Tory B@stards.
Top 1%
Fractional Reserve Banking means that banks only have to have roughly 10% of the money they loan out. Meaning 90% of the money that exists in the world is fractionally created money and doesn't actually exist. Not that the "Real" money actually has any value since the loss of the gold standard, as it is not backed by gold anymore, it is backed by no physical resource. At the end of 2016 our global debt was 3 times our global gdp. This is not sustainable, it's a farce.
2016 "Global Debt Hits A New Record High Of $217 Trillion; 327% Of Global GDP" It is still growing exponentially.
2016 "Global Debt Hits A New Record High Of $217 Trillion; 327% Of Global GDP" It is still growing exponentially.
In 2017 under fractional reserve banking based on fiat currency we now have $233 trillion Global Debt, which is over 3x Global GDP. It's growing very fast and in my opinion is unsustainable. For instance the richest 1% grabbed 82% of the wealth generated in 2017.
The same families have been running the show and financially backing most wars since the Napoleonic era. While I accept fluctuations in the lower echelons, the top few families can not possibly be supplanted in our current system, their influence can only grow.
I'd suggest capitalism is the greatest con ever inflicted on humanity, where those who deal in fictional electronic finance use it to buy the world's resources, water, oil, precious minerals, plutonium, lithium, natural gas, land, even people. They have conned us out of our natural heritage and every crash or financial crisis gives them the opportunity to consolidate their assets at the expense of the 99%.
I am interested in socialism as a stepping stone. I support some of Marx and Engels observations and theories but am not a Marxist. I'm a proponent of an ideological shift towards a new system designed to promote human achievement, development, equality and advancement. Based on ecological sustainability and a bias towards living standards and personal growth rather than financial or other superficial goals.
Thursday, 21 June 2018
Right Wing Billionaire's Dream
To dream the right wing billionaire's dream,
To fight the impoverished foe,
To increase the unbearable sorrow,
To run when the brave dare to show.
To fight for unrightable wrongs,
To hate pure and immoral from afar,
To cry when the left's memes make you weary,
To suck up to a right wing media star.
This is my quest,
To follow right wing media stars
No matter how hopeless,
or immoral they are.
To fight for the far right
Without critical thinking or pause,
To be willing to march
Into London for a bigoted cause.
And I know if I'll only be true
To this inglorious quest
That my heart will be hateful and flawed
When I'm laid to my rest.
And the world will be far worse for this,
That one man scorned and mentally scarred
Still strove without any courage
To suck up to right wing media stars.
To fight the impoverished foe,
To increase the unbearable sorrow,
To run when the brave dare to show.
To fight for unrightable wrongs,
To hate pure and immoral from afar,
To cry when the left's memes make you weary,
To suck up to a right wing media star.
This is my quest,
To follow right wing media stars
No matter how hopeless,
or immoral they are.
To fight for the far right
Without critical thinking or pause,
To be willing to march
Into London for a bigoted cause.
And I know if I'll only be true
To this inglorious quest
That my heart will be hateful and flawed
When I'm laid to my rest.
And the world will be far worse for this,
That one man scorned and mentally scarred
Still strove without any courage
To suck up to right wing media stars.
Thursday, 7 June 2018
Corbyn has won 2 peace awards, been arrested for protesting apartheid and reshaped the dialog in British politics despite character assassination from the press.
At the same time he has restored the historical ideology of the Labour party, chipped away the Tory majority and stood up for the disabled, vulnerable and victims of the Tory social policy best described as Lingchi.
At the same time he has restored the historical ideology of the Labour party, chipped away the Tory majority and stood up for the disabled, vulnerable and victims of the Tory social policy best described as Lingchi.
Wednesday, 6 June 2018
Tory Supporter
I've been a Tory supporter all my life, I believe in generations living on inherited wealth and increasing the gap between the rich and poor. I believe in repeating false stories and misleading statistics from a think tank we fund to backup a flawed ideology. I believe in watching poor people suffer, we like to sacrifice old people at xmas, the more we cut the winter fuel allowance, the more we sacrifice.
When we cut the NHS more poor people are disproportionately affected and hence thousands of the most vulnerable are spared years of pointless existence. We also especially like to cut funds from schools, education and benefits for the disabled. Sometimes, just for kicks, we burn a £50 note in front of a homeless person.
My skills include the trait of being able to avoid answering a simple question, blaming others for my own incompetence and the ability to act like i give a f**k on the odd occasion.
I believe in prioritising corporate welfare over the welfare state, after all there's plenty of poor people , but so few tax avoidance companies.
The main reason I believe these things is because of flawed logic, a selfish ideology, an inability to perform simple mathematical operations and the lack of a soul. Please don't judge or persecute me just because I revel in the suffering of innocents to improve my personal financial situation.
When we cut the NHS more poor people are disproportionately affected and hence thousands of the most vulnerable are spared years of pointless existence. We also especially like to cut funds from schools, education and benefits for the disabled. Sometimes, just for kicks, we burn a £50 note in front of a homeless person.
My skills include the trait of being able to avoid answering a simple question, blaming others for my own incompetence and the ability to act like i give a f**k on the odd occasion.
I believe in prioritising corporate welfare over the welfare state, after all there's plenty of poor people , but so few tax avoidance companies.
The main reason I believe these things is because of flawed logic, a selfish ideology, an inability to perform simple mathematical operations and the lack of a soul. Please don't judge or persecute me just because I revel in the suffering of innocents to improve my personal financial situation.
Tuesday, 5 June 2018
Ex Labour Supporter
I used to be a Labour supporter, but then i read the sun and daily mail and swallowed lies like the 2007-8 World Financial Crisis was Labour's fault. I read that terrorist sympathiser is what we call a peace negotiator and someone who tried to stop the illegal financial wars that have led to mass migration from the middle east.
I read that calling for peace in Northern Ireland makes you an IRA supporter. I learned that despite the available evidence immigrants don't contribute to society and are given a free ride. None of them work as doctors or nurses and the vast majority of them don't contribute more to the country than they take out.
But i readily ignore the fact that the Tories have spent £800 billion in just 7 years on ...cuts ? lost £490 billion from our economy in foreign investments and sterling. That a minimum of 30,000 of the most vulnerable are lost every year due to cuts in the NHS. That our privacy is being trampled repeatedly with more thought police for the internet, while our streets are getting more violent every day.
I also ignore the fact that the Tories are supplying weapons to a known terrorist funding government Saudi Arabia. I also ignore the schools, hospitals and farms destroyed in Yemen with those weapons and the humanitarian disaster that followed.
I've also learned how to ignore the very obvious thievery of the Tory party as they plunder the public cookie jar and cost the taxpayer £100 billion a year in uncollected legally required Corporation Tax and have given away £93 billion annually in corporate welfare and subsidies to those same tax dodging corporations. I'm also quite happy to ignore the fact that the NHS i paid for with my Tax and N.I. contributions is being sold off to profit the wealthy, while putting up the cost to the taxpayer. Not only does the extra layer of admin and profit requirements from privatisation cost me in tax and N.I. contributions but it could also cost my family and friends their lives.
I read that calling for peace in Northern Ireland makes you an IRA supporter. I learned that despite the available evidence immigrants don't contribute to society and are given a free ride. None of them work as doctors or nurses and the vast majority of them don't contribute more to the country than they take out.
But i readily ignore the fact that the Tories have spent £800 billion in just 7 years on ...cuts ? lost £490 billion from our economy in foreign investments and sterling. That a minimum of 30,000 of the most vulnerable are lost every year due to cuts in the NHS. That our privacy is being trampled repeatedly with more thought police for the internet, while our streets are getting more violent every day.
I also ignore the fact that the Tories are supplying weapons to a known terrorist funding government Saudi Arabia. I also ignore the schools, hospitals and farms destroyed in Yemen with those weapons and the humanitarian disaster that followed.
I've also learned how to ignore the very obvious thievery of the Tory party as they plunder the public cookie jar and cost the taxpayer £100 billion a year in uncollected legally required Corporation Tax and have given away £93 billion annually in corporate welfare and subsidies to those same tax dodging corporations. I'm also quite happy to ignore the fact that the NHS i paid for with my Tax and N.I. contributions is being sold off to profit the wealthy, while putting up the cost to the taxpayer. Not only does the extra layer of admin and profit requirements from privatisation cost me in tax and N.I. contributions but it could also cost my family and friends their lives.
Monday, 4 June 2018
NHS Spending

Annual NHS spending increase under Blair (Labour): 6.1%
Annual NHS spending increase under Brown (Labour): 5.4%
Annual NHS spending increase under Major (Tory): 4.7%
Annual NHS spending increase under Thatcher (Tory): 2.7%
Annual NHS spending increase under Cameron (Tory): 1.4%
The Cameron result includes the beginning of May's government also.
Jacob Rees-Mogg in a recent interview actually admitted that the increased spending under Theresa May has actually been reduced to just 1.1%.
The NHS requires extra spending per annum as we grow as a Nation. Not only does it require extra resources, but there are more people paying into the system in various taxes and N.I.contributions swelling the public pot. If this extra money is then not paid into the NHS, we have a real terms cut. The problem we face now is caused by many things inc. Privatisation, Corrupt big pharma contracts that charge 10x the amount of generic alternatives. Private patients using NHS beds and the obvious drain in finances caused by PFIs and ACOs, not to mention the extra admin and profit requirements created by privatisation.
But the problem is exacerbated greatly by the Tory government in effect causing a real terms cut to NHS funding.
Annual NHS spending increase under Brown (Labour): 5.4%
Annual NHS spending increase under Major (Tory): 4.7%
Annual NHS spending increase under Thatcher (Tory): 2.7%
Annual NHS spending increase under Cameron (Tory): 1.4%
The Cameron result includes the beginning of May's government also.
Jacob Rees-Mogg in a recent interview actually admitted that the increased spending under Theresa May has actually been reduced to just 1.1%.
The NHS requires extra spending per annum as we grow as a Nation. Not only does it require extra resources, but there are more people paying into the system in various taxes and N.I.contributions swelling the public pot. If this extra money is then not paid into the NHS, we have a real terms cut. The problem we face now is caused by many things inc. Privatisation, Corrupt big pharma contracts that charge 10x the amount of generic alternatives. Private patients using NHS beds and the obvious drain in finances caused by PFIs and ACOs, not to mention the extra admin and profit requirements created by privatisation.
But the problem is exacerbated greatly by the Tory government in effect causing a real terms cut to NHS funding.
Since 2010 :
The rate of extra investment has fallen by 68%.
16,481 fewer beds in hospitals.
66 A&E and Maternity wards closed.
103 NHS Walk in centres closed or downgraded.
60 ambulance stations closed.
1,000 GP practices closed.
A&E 4 hour targets missed 10 million times.
Number of patients waiting more than 12 hours in A&E up 2,700%.
Spending on adult social care down 8%.
5,240 fewer mental health nurses.
Number of operations classed as urgent that have been cancelled twice has doubled.
22% drop in ambulances meeting their 15 minute transfer target.
16,481 fewer beds in hospitals.
66 A&E and Maternity wards closed.
103 NHS Walk in centres closed or downgraded.
60 ambulance stations closed.
1,000 GP practices closed.
A&E 4 hour targets missed 10 million times.
Number of patients waiting more than 12 hours in A&E up 2,700%.
Spending on adult social care down 8%.
5,240 fewer mental health nurses.
Number of operations classed as urgent that have been cancelled twice has doubled.
22% drop in ambulances meeting their 15 minute transfer target.
Tory Britain
This is Tory Britain. Since 2010 the Tories have closed or downgraded 1,240 sure start centers, 419 schools, 535 libraries, cut 21,000 Police from the streets, cut 20,000 service personnel from our armed forces, closed 52 ambulance stations, closed 35 fire stations ,closed 18 prisons.
We have 4.1 million children living in poverty two thirds of which are in working families. 19 million workers on the verge of poverty. 17 million with less than £100 in savings. 3.7 million people using food banks to survive - most of them with children to feed. GP's prescribing nutritional drinks to starving patients.Soaring Poverty. Soaring Malnutrition. Soaring Homelessness. Soaring violent crime.
These are just some of the results of Tory policy in Britain. They are causing crisis after crisis in all our institutions, making real term cuts to the NHS that are costing lives. Risking our security while giving us higher taxes and reducing community support and council funding by as much as 67% since 2010.
At present we have 3000+ people at the HMRC investigating the £1 billion lost every year from benefit fraud and the DWPs own mistakes.
We only have 300 people at HMRC investigating the estimated £100 billion lost per annum in corporation tax losses. We also give those tax dodging corporations £93+ billion every year in welfare and subsidies.
Maybe, If we create 30,000 jobs at HMRC and have those people investigating corporate tax losses we could fund public services with the money recovered.
We only have 300 people at HMRC investigating the estimated £100 billion lost per annum in corporation tax losses. We also give those tax dodging corporations £93+ billion every year in welfare and subsidies.
Maybe, If we create 30,000 jobs at HMRC and have those people investigating corporate tax losses we could fund public services with the money recovered.
Sing a song...
Sing a song of sixpence, a pocket full of cash;
Four and twenty kleptocrats stealing from our tax.
When the country realised, they all began to sing,
Get the Tories out of office or they'll sell off everything !
Four and twenty kleptocrats stealing from our tax.
When the country realised, they all began to sing,
Get the Tories out of office or they'll sell off everything !
Giving your vote to Tory beggars on the street often continues the cycle of corporate greed and the creation of politicians who facilitate the stealing of public monies from the public purse.
If you see someone begging for Tory votes, please call them on their appalling record and flawed ideology or report them to the police for election fraud.
If you see someone begging for Tory votes, please call them on their appalling record and flawed ideology or report them to the police for election fraud.
To be fair...
To be fair though, while the Conservatives have borrowed £900 billion and are responsible for two thirds of our national debt they did invest in erm... Cuts? They have given over £100 billion to corporations annually in Corporate Welfare and Subsidies which is nice - You know the Corporations who owe us around £120 billion in unpaid, legally required Corporation Tax and it's true some of these corporations, Amazon, Google, Ebay etc pay as little as 0.3% of their UK sales in corporation tax, yes I'm aware corporation tax is paid on revenue, just wanted to make the point. But we have to look after the CEOs and captains of industry who are desperately short of luxury Yachts and Ferraris. Oh and they may have lost £490 billion from our economy in foreign investments and sterling, but they did give us a referendum that would cripple our economy and trade relations and drive the pound into the dirt, whichever option we chose. Just by asking the question.
Then there is the £600 million used to refit our Harriers that Cameron sold to the US for £112 million at a loss of £488 million, which was a very generous gift for our US allies. The £200 million spent defending the Tories in fees for their human rights abuses of the disabled, but they were trying to save you money. Not to mention UC and the sanctions which cost considerably more to implement than the money saved, again trying to save you money. £15 million cost the taxpayer picks up from the prison system failure left by Carillion on top of the money that failed firm has already cost us, the selling off of Royal Mail at a knockdown price, RBS that we bailed out that the Tories are now giving back control to private enterprise. Southern rail another privatisation experiment that the taxpayer is now picking up the cost of, but privatisation works sometimes... honestly.
The streets are really safe even though they cut 21,500 police officers jobs and have cut emergency services, because they invested £200k in thought police for the internet.To keep us safe from ideologies and inappropriate jokes. If things get too bad we can always use private security G4S...
Although the Royal Society of Medicine blames austerity and cuts in the NHS for the loss of 30,000 lives annually, they have made a nice new weapons trade deal with terrorist funders Saudi Arabia, which is nice. Unless you happen to be attacked by terrorists or happen to be one of the 14 million people starving in Yemen. Although they supply arms to Israel which have been used to kill Palestinians, Medics and Journalists and more recently 52 Syrian regime troops fighting ISIS, they have made a lot of profit for investors in BAE Systems and Lockheed Martin as well as via our recent missile strikes in Syria which also profited George Osborne's employer Blackrock and Philip May's Capital group which are both large investors in Bae and Lockheed Martin. So it's not all bad...
Also please ignore Brexit, Grenfell, Economic euthanasia, Disabled vilification, Election fraud, Contempt of parliament, Windrush scandal, Institutional child abuse cover up, Weapon sales to despots, WASPI Women, A weak pound, Working poverty, Homeless Crisis, Food Banks, Universal Credit, NHS Crisis, Austerity. These are all just random occurrences and nothing to do with Tory policy.
Theresa May is an artist
Theresa May is an artist, she has used legislation, cuts and austerity as her pallette to create a perfect rendering of Victorian life. Full of all the features found in a Dickens novel - poverty, hungry children and low wage workers servicing the needs of the idle wealthy.
Surprises in Parliament
Surprises in parliament this week as a politician suggests taxing corporations who sell high sugar foods and offering tax breaks to healthy food manufacturers. Hundreds refuse a pay rise citing public service cuts as intolerable. Thirty MPs take their £40 taxpayer funded meals out to the homeless who regularly go without and a further twenty MPs refuse to charge the taxpayer for travelling expenses as they live within a few miles of parliament. Sorry, just kidding; as if...
A bloke many years ago stole some land and titles off another bloke by convincing some serfs to fight for him. A few generations later the family got into debt after a huge saltwater tea party and King George III sold the land his ancestors won in battle; at the cost of a few thousand serfs, to the state for a pension plan and to avoid bankruptcy.
The state now owns that land but still supports his family many generations later at the cost of over £334 million per annum. Some of the more prominent "working" Royals costing the taxpayer an average of £18 million per annum. Figures from Republic.
PS No one mention the mad king that lost America !
The state now owns that land but still supports his family many generations later at the cost of over £334 million per annum. Some of the more prominent "working" Royals costing the taxpayer an average of £18 million per annum. Figures from Republic.
PS No one mention the mad king that lost America !
Tip for right wingers
When reading an article, just take the facts - ignore the opinion. If there are no facts - ignore the article. Works with all media right or left :)
When you have your facts, ask yourself who gains ? who loses ? why am i being told this ? Simples.
When you have your facts, ask yourself who gains ? who loses ? why am i being told this ? Simples.
Fracking Tea Ladies
Without the Brave police, who would defend us from pensioner tea ladies handing out free cups at fracking protests ?
Since the year 1600 corporations like the East India Tea company have been flooding Britain with their herbal highs. Without the brave police defending us from this "Tea Lady" epidemic we would have china pots and other Tea paraphernalia littering every British home.
Some of these Tea ladies sell it in its unoxidized form, known as green tea or green crack. If this were allowed to continue within the next few decades we could be looking at nothing short of the complete and utter detoxification of Britain !!
Since the year 1600 corporations like the East India Tea company have been flooding Britain with their herbal highs. Without the brave police defending us from this "Tea Lady" epidemic we would have china pots and other Tea paraphernalia littering every British home.
Some of these Tea ladies sell it in its unoxidized form, known as green tea or green crack. If this were allowed to continue within the next few decades we could be looking at nothing short of the complete and utter detoxification of Britain !!
Neocon Pledge
I give my silent, obedient consent to the neoconservative agenda. I promise to believe anything their media mogul donors print. I promise to support financial wars of resource control. I promise to support whatever regulations the government implement, no matter how devastating to society. I promise to pay almost 50% of my income in a multitude of taxes to pay for public sector institutions, even when the government divert that money to the private sector via privatisation and subsidies. I will not complain or revolt even when it becomes obvious we are being governed by corporate gangsters and banking shills.
May is a leftie
May is doing an excellent job of using incompetence and blame culture to rid us of more Tories, she's like a hitwoman working for the left to sabotage the Tories. She lines them up, then knocks them down.
Marxist ?
Reading Marx does not make someone a Marxist. In the same way reading Dumbo , does not make someone... an elephant.
Fun facts
Here's some fun facts :
Fact 1:
Winston Churchill - 3 million Tory party members.
Margaret Thatcher - 1 million Tory party members.
David Cameron - 125,000 Tory party members.
Theresa May - 70,000 Tory party members.
Extinction won't be far away at that rate.
Fact 2:
Tory Austerity has been linked to the deaths of at least 120,000 people in a landmark study by BMJ Open. Fred West killed 12 people. Therefore the Tories are 10,000 times as lethal as Fred West.
Fact 3:
Jeremy Hunt is related to the Queen and Oswald Mosley, the Queen is related to Vlad the Impaler. Jeremy Hunt is therefore a racist vampire, there ! i said it ! :P
Fact 1:
Winston Churchill - 3 million Tory party members.
Margaret Thatcher - 1 million Tory party members.
David Cameron - 125,000 Tory party members.
Theresa May - 70,000 Tory party members.
Extinction won't be far away at that rate.
Fact 2:
Tory Austerity has been linked to the deaths of at least 120,000 people in a landmark study by BMJ Open. Fred West killed 12 people. Therefore the Tories are 10,000 times as lethal as Fred West.
Fact 3:
Jeremy Hunt is related to the Queen and Oswald Mosley, the Queen is related to Vlad the Impaler. Jeremy Hunt is therefore a racist vampire, there ! i said it ! :P
Frictionless superconductor
With the recent loss of Amber Rudd the Tories are now Rudderless. Hunt, Mcvey, May, Johnson, Gove many of them should have already gone. If only we could find out what frictionless superconductor Tories are made from, we could use it to produce unlimited energy.
Fox hunting
Fox Hunting : Cunning animals, chased by loyal animals, followed by noble animals who are ridden by dumb animals.
Corporate apology template
Dear Pauper,
We are sorry we killed / offended / caused suffering / caused catastrophic environmental damage or anything else you financially deprived lefties like to moan about.
Please be advised our board of directors and shareholders are only concerned with profit. Unless you actually hit us where it hurts (profit margins) we will ignore you and continue to do just as we please.
Please also be aware that we are probably too big to fail, will make more money from this situation than will be fined because of it and therefore no longer give a damn what you think.
Kind Regards,
Profiteering morally devoid incompetents who are ruining the planet.
We are sorry we killed / offended / caused suffering / caused catastrophic environmental damage or anything else you financially deprived lefties like to moan about.
Please be advised our board of directors and shareholders are only concerned with profit. Unless you actually hit us where it hurts (profit margins) we will ignore you and continue to do just as we please.
Please also be aware that we are probably too big to fail, will make more money from this situation than will be fined because of it and therefore no longer give a damn what you think.
Kind Regards,
Profiteering morally devoid incompetents who are ruining the planet.
Regarding Boris
Boris Johnson quote :
"My friends, as I have discovered myself, there are no disasters, only opportunities. And, indeed, opportunities for fresh disasters."
I think the last line especially sums up Boris and the Tory party.
"My friends, as I have discovered myself, there are no disasters, only opportunities. And, indeed, opportunities for fresh disasters."
I think the last line especially sums up Boris and the Tory party.
I blame the Vikings
I blame the Vikings and Romans coming over here with their polytheism and killing our pagan druidic ancestors on Anglesey. Spreading the things they learned from other cultures like straight roads, mesopotamian numeracy and greek democracy. B*st@rds !!
Letter to the Tories
Dear Conservative Party,
I run a large corporation and we've been failing because I pay myself an exorbitant salary and have little respect for my minimum wage , zero hour contract employees. I've been told if I donate to the Conservative party I can get some action on the public purse and maybe you will throw a few lucrative contracts my way so I can keep my offshore bank account topped up.
I understand I may have to pay a small percentage of the legally required corporation tax. Anyways just let me know how much I need to donate and what kind of returns I can expect from the public taxes via overpriced contracts that I will try to provide at least 2 or 3% efficiency on. If it all goes tits up, just bet against me on hedge funds.
Thanks in advance.
Ric H.B'stard.
Right Wing / Left Wing
Right: You socialist SJWs make me laugh, what have Labour ever done for us ?
Left: Without Keir Hardie, Clement Attlee and Nye Bevan we'd still be living in a victorian style Britain in slums, with children working and dying of curable diseases for lack of medical treatment.
Right: Yea alright, I'll give you that, But apart from that, what have Labour ever given us ?
Left: Well, they set up the NHS and Welfare state to provide healthcare and support for everyone, rich or poor.
Right: Yea yea, NHS etc, But apart from getting us out of the slums and The welfare state / NHS, what have the Labour party ever done for us ?
Left: Labour brought in tax credits to help the working poor make ends meet and fought anti-union legislation the Tories brought in to stop you having a voice in the workplace.
Right: Ok, so no more slums, no more children working or dying of curable diseases, NHS & Welfare state, tax credits, fighting anti-union legislation. But apart from that...
Left: Labour also rebuilt Britain after WW2 and Nationalised the Bank of England, National Coal Board, Railways, Iron and Steel industries, Gas and Electricity.
Right: You got more haven't you ?
Left: Lots. However, apart from selling off our Nationalised industry for short term gains, doubling national debt and giving us the lowest standard of living since WW2, Working poverty and an NHS Crisis, 120,000 excess deaths from austerity, 320,00 homeless - What have the Tories ever given us ?
Right: oh, fuck off !
Humpty Dumpty
This woman skinned humpty dumpty alive during a hostile takeover of the BBC and she now wears him as a jacket. There is a reward for the whole population of Britain if she can be brought to justice.
Corbyn in the Tabloids
So far the tabloids have erroneously told us Corbyn is a Putin Puppet, Iranian Puppet, Czech Puppet, Russian Spy, Communist infiltrator , Hamas Member, Hezbollah member, IRA member , Hard Left Marxist , Stalinist, Neo-Nazi, Trotskyite, Anti-semitic, Fascist.
If we ignore the sunshine, moonlight and good times , can we still blame it on the boogie ?
If we ignore the sunshine, moonlight and good times , can we still blame it on the boogie ?
Corbyn , What a B@stard !
Corbyn , What a B*stard !!!
How dare Corbyn destroy the neoliberal / neoconservative agenda with his granny loving socialism and green fingered horticultural fetish !
How dare he bring in National energy companies taking the profits from those tax dodging companies who constantly hike prices and putting them back into the economy. Using 60% renewable sources by 2030.
How dare he protect the NHS from being sold off in pieces giving free healthcare to all when there's profit to be made for any greedy millionaire who want to profit from our illness.
How dare he re-nationalise Railways so that the profits stay in this Country rather than going to the Chinese, Indian, Italian , Dutch , French and German companies that get them now.
How dare he re-nationalise the Royal Mail , the services are so much better now we sold them off cheap to profit driven private enterprise.
How dare his Labour manifesto contain a pledge to have strict controls over the transparency of offshore tax havens.
How dare he reverse cuts to Corporation Tax and Capital Gains Tax and use that money to invest in Public Services.
Who wants a nuclear free World ? , the World's much more fun with egocentric megalomaniacs ready to nuke us.
Who wants free education and investment in the future of our Country's up and coming entrepreneurs?
Who the hell wants more trained Police officers ? when we have barely trained profit driven private security.
How dare he upgrade our British infrastructure and yet again invest in the future of the Country.
Not to mention increasing and protecting workers rights and therefor wages.
The man's a menace to any decent minded profit driven, tax dodging, company or millionaire.
Don't say i didn't warn you !!
How dare Corbyn destroy the neoliberal / neoconservative agenda with his granny loving socialism and green fingered horticultural fetish !
How dare he bring in National energy companies taking the profits from those tax dodging companies who constantly hike prices and putting them back into the economy. Using 60% renewable sources by 2030.
How dare he protect the NHS from being sold off in pieces giving free healthcare to all when there's profit to be made for any greedy millionaire who want to profit from our illness.
How dare he re-nationalise Railways so that the profits stay in this Country rather than going to the Chinese, Indian, Italian , Dutch , French and German companies that get them now.
How dare he re-nationalise the Royal Mail , the services are so much better now we sold them off cheap to profit driven private enterprise.
How dare his Labour manifesto contain a pledge to have strict controls over the transparency of offshore tax havens.
How dare he reverse cuts to Corporation Tax and Capital Gains Tax and use that money to invest in Public Services.
Who wants a nuclear free World ? , the World's much more fun with egocentric megalomaniacs ready to nuke us.
Who wants free education and investment in the future of our Country's up and coming entrepreneurs?
Who the hell wants more trained Police officers ? when we have barely trained profit driven private security.
How dare he upgrade our British infrastructure and yet again invest in the future of the Country.
Not to mention increasing and protecting workers rights and therefor wages.
The man's a menace to any decent minded profit driven, tax dodging, company or millionaire.
Don't say i didn't warn you !!
Stop being mean to Theresa May
Such a shame the beautiful and morally superior Theresa is being bullied by people, just because she has a disability. The lack of a heart and a soul, should be enough of a burden for this poor woman. Just because she's asset stripping the country and shortening your lifespan , that doesn't give you the right to be mean to her.
Tories helping the poor
I won't have anyone saying the Conservatives are not trying to help the poor. They are ending the suffering of thousands every month by defunding the NHS. They are also doing their best to help the homeless have a voice by increasing their numbers significantly. They have also massively lowered unemployment figures by stopping people who are disabled or ill from claiming. They have done more to end the suffering of the poor than any other Government in history, by excluding them from Healthcare and Social Care and allowing them to leave this world quickly and efficiently.
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