Socialism doesn't work. Despite the fact that those in Europe who use the scandinavian model of Social Democracy have the lowest rates of poverty in the EU. While we have the second highest levels of poverty under the Tories.
The left are all bigots, racists and run by corporate elites, despite being the most diverse and inclusive group and having an ideology of equality.
The Nazis were socialists, despite the fact that the first people they rounded up, imprisoned and tortured were socialists.
The left close down free speech and censor you, despite all the legislation such as the 'snoopers charter' and internet safety laws coming from the right.
The left want free stuff, despite the fact that corporate greed costs us £120 billion in an annual tax gap and those corporations get over £100 billion per annum out of our taxes in corporate welfare and subsidies.
The left are extremists, because it's obviously extreme to want to save the excess deaths of around 30,000 per annum by collecting legally required taxation from corporations to pay for the services, institutions and infrastructure they exploit for profit. To ask that we are paid a wage we can live on, to end working poverty and to expect a pension we can live off in our old age.
The left are cultists, I've been called similar, but anyone who opposes neoliberalism and corporate greed and belongs to a party with one of the largest political memberships in Europe can hardly be called a cultist.
We must fight misconceptions to win over those under the influence of a perspective coloured by the tinted neoliberal lens of the media.
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