Saturday, 30 June 2018

NHS moaner

I blame the immigrant doctors and nurses , who apart from saving lives all day, don't really contribute to society. I wish people would stop moaning about private patients taking up beds and using NHS resources, also moaning about the extra layer of admin and profit requirements from privatisation, sure the costs to the end patient goes up and the quality goes down , but i'm a shareholder, cha ching !

Also old people paying in tax and N.I. contributions all their lives should be cut off from NHS resources the minute they stop contributing. With pensions, income tax, VAT, mortgages, council tax, road tax, rent etc that will be roughly around the same time they die.

While i'm at it, there's too many people using the NHS, while it's true that as more people use the NHS it also means more people are paying tax and N.I. contributions into the NHS pot. I don't like logic.

Oh and the lefties who moan about the corrupt deals with big pharma that means big pharma are now making 6000% more profit than they used to, by charging the taxpayer almost 10x the cost cost of generic alternatives. That really winds me up.

PS if you have a heart attack , please go to your local chemist for some rennies. No point wasting NHS resources and time.

PPS If you disagree you must be a complete and utter Jeremy Hunt.

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