Saturday, 23 June 2018

Top 1%

Fractional Reserve Banking means that banks only have to have roughly 10% of the money they loan out. Meaning 90% of the money that exists in the world is fractionally created money and doesn't actually exist. Not that the "Real" money actually has any value since the loss of the gold standard, as it is not backed by gold anymore, it is backed by no physical resource. At the end of 2016 our global debt was 3 times our global gdp. This is not sustainable, it's a farce.
2016 "Global Debt Hits A New Record High Of $217 Trillion; 327% Of Global GDP" It is still growing exponentially.
In 2017 under fractional reserve banking based on fiat currency we now have $233 trillion Global Debt, which is over 3x Global GDP. It's growing very fast and in my opinion is unsustainable. For instance the richest 1% grabbed 82% of the wealth generated in 2017.
The same families have been running the show and financially backing most wars since the Napoleonic era. While I accept fluctuations in the lower echelons, the top few families can not possibly be supplanted in our current system, their influence can only grow.
I'd suggest capitalism is the greatest con ever inflicted on humanity, where those who deal in fictional electronic finance use it to buy the world's resources, water, oil, precious minerals, plutonium, lithium, natural gas, land, even people. They have conned us out of our natural heritage and every crash or financial crisis gives them the opportunity to consolidate their assets at the expense of the 99%.
I am interested in socialism as a stepping stone. I support some of Marx and Engels observations and theories but am not a Marxist. I'm a proponent of an ideological shift towards a new system designed to promote human achievement, development, equality and advancement. Based on ecological sustainability and a bias towards living standards and personal growth rather than financial or other superficial goals.

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