Monday 25 February 2019


As for the EU people should read the facts ! It's not just about getting out to escape the EU anti-tax avoidance directive. Some of the things the EU will force on us unless we leave as planned.

1: Ice Cream vans are to be banned throughout Britain !

2: Britain is to be renamed 'Island 42 off the coast of Europe'.

3: You will have to be given a tetanus shot and any pets you have will have to be put down if you travel to Europe (even if you have no plans to take your pets with you).

4: The EU will determine British law in combination with concessions to Shania law (This don't impress me much).

5: Red Squirrels will no longer be allowed to carry food in their cheeks and be forced to store their nuts in gucci handbags.

6: Everyone named Tarquin will be rounded up by the EU and forced to live the rest of their life in Jersey.

7: The British army will be renamed the Joint Forces of the European Empire.

8: 11 out of every 10 Brits will be forced into reeducation camps to eliminate the growing threat of innumeracy and idiocy that has increased in Britain since 2016.

9: The coast of Britain will be guarded by trained dolphins with exploding backpacks, making trips to the seaside very dangerous for British families.

10: Your first born child will have to be sacrificed to the EU in a display of subservience.

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