Monday 7 January 2019

Labour supporter all my life.

I've been a Labour supporter all my life. But I wouldn't vote for Corbyn even though he embodies true Labour ideology and offered a manifesto that gives us much of what Labour's greatest government from 1945 gave us. The Attlee government that rebuilt Britain after WW2 and Nationalised the Bank of England, National Coal Board, Railways, British Leyland Motors, British Telecom, Gas and Electricity, Iron industry, Steel Industry, Inland Transport and also implemented the "cradle to grave" policy which gave us our welfare state and NHS.

Despite many of the policies being used with great success in Norway, Sweden, Finland, Japan, Canada, Denmark and many other countries, I'd prefer to believe the tabloids when they say he's a left wing extremist or commie. It allows me to label all his supporters as fanatics and therefore ignore any logical arguments they present.

In truth If you see the words "I've been a Labour supporter all my life" before a negative comment about the left, you can probably take it as read that it's someone like me who has never really been a Labour supporter but instead wishes to demonise the left, I'm probably a Tory troll.


  1. Hi Steve.I recognise this from a comment you posted yesterday on a Jonathan Pie vid, which is how I came to find this blog :) I read all your ensuing comments and then I commented that you are my hero (n.b I go by a different name on FB because, well, it's Facebook). Aaaanyway, I'd just like to say that more people need to see your writing. A Lot more. I'm sure you are trying everything, but I noticed you sent me a friend request and are using your FB profile as your main access to an audience. Have you considered setting up a page instead, the contents of which is purely links to your blog and 'reviews' of articles/videos etc? People would be far more likely to like/follow a page than accept a friend request from a random stranger... :) Also, the guardian welcomes and pays for articles from freelance writers... Anyway, I at least will be following this blog from now on :)

    1. Thank you, too kind. I'm glad you enjoyed the post and my writing. While I'm not really into growing a following as such I would love to write freelance for a tabloid such as the Guardian but I'm not an academic, just a skint factory worker :)

      But will work on something to send them. I appreciate the advice and glad you enjoyed the comments, it's always nice to know my comments are appreciated and maybe give people pause for thought or confirms their beliefs. Thank you :)
