Monday, 25 February 2019

But without the Tory party

I'm hearing a lot about the rise of the left and replacing the Tories with Labour.

But without the Tory party who would feed corporate greed with corporate welfare and subsidies depriving public services and institutions of funding ? who would corrupt democracy and breach human rights ? who would stealth privatise the NHS ? who would lie to us in parliament and the tabloids while perpetuating smears about the opposition ? who would sell off / privatise our national industry, institutions and services ? who would legislate to give us low wages and working poverty ? who would sell weapons to despots and countries on our human rights watch list ? who would help increase the homelessness by enforcing UC and sanctions while not building any new affordable social housing ? who would rob the WASPI women of their pensions ? who would create a hostile environment policy that harms minorities ? who would cause the excess deaths of 30,000 Brits a year via cuts ? double the suicide rates among the disabled ? who would increase the gap between the rich and the poor ?

I'm not sure you Corbyn cultists have thought this through...


As for the EU people should read the facts ! It's not just about getting out to escape the EU anti-tax avoidance directive. Some of the things the EU will force on us unless we leave as planned.

1: Ice Cream vans are to be banned throughout Britain !

2: Britain is to be renamed 'Island 42 off the coast of Europe'.

3: You will have to be given a tetanus shot and any pets you have will have to be put down if you travel to Europe (even if you have no plans to take your pets with you).

4: The EU will determine British law in combination with concessions to Shania law (This don't impress me much).

5: Red Squirrels will no longer be allowed to carry food in their cheeks and be forced to store their nuts in gucci handbags.

6: Everyone named Tarquin will be rounded up by the EU and forced to live the rest of their life in Jersey.

7: The British army will be renamed the Joint Forces of the European Empire.

8: 11 out of every 10 Brits will be forced into reeducation camps to eliminate the growing threat of innumeracy and idiocy that has increased in Britain since 2016.

9: The coast of Britain will be guarded by trained dolphins with exploding backpacks, making trips to the seaside very dangerous for British families.

10: Your first born child will have to be sacrificed to the EU in a display of subservience.

Sunday, 24 February 2019

Theresa May - National Treasure

I think Theresa May is a lovely young lady with a heart of gold and shouldn't be subject to ridicule. Her morality is clear from her social policies, her tolerance from her time as home secretary and her negotiation skills are legendary in the EU. Please stop making fun of this national treasure !

She's definitely not - as some people have referred to her - a soulless kleptocrat and the first born, cloven hoofed spawn of Satan. I just think it's important to clear that up !

Socialism doesn't work

Socialism doesn't work. Despite the fact that those in Europe who use the scandinavian model of Social Democracy have the lowest rates of poverty in the EU. While we have the second highest levels of poverty under the Tories.

The left are all bigots, racists and run by corporate elites, despite being the most diverse and inclusive group and having an ideology of equality.

The Nazis were socialists, despite the fact that the first people they rounded up, imprisoned and tortured were socialists.

The left close down free speech and censor you, despite all the legislation such as the 'snoopers charter' and internet safety laws coming from the right.

The left want free stuff, despite the fact that corporate greed costs us £120 billion in an annual tax gap and those corporations get over £100 billion per annum out of our taxes in corporate welfare and subsidies.

The left are extremists, because it's obviously extreme to want to save the excess deaths of around 30,000 per annum by collecting legally required taxation from corporations to pay for the services, institutions and infrastructure they exploit for profit. To ask that we are paid a wage we can live on, to end working poverty and to expect a pension we can live off in our old age.

The left are cultists, I've been called similar, but anyone who opposes neoliberalism and corporate greed and belongs to a party with one of the largest political memberships in Europe can hardly be called a cultist.

We must fight misconceptions to win over those under the influence of a perspective coloured by the tinted neoliberal lens of the media.

Saturday, 2 February 2019

Random Tory MP

"I think it's a good idea to legislate for more cuts to pensions, benefits and the winter fuel allowance, despite the escalating deaths each winter to the elderly. We should also cut even more funding from the NHS and escalate the crisis to ensure people will be so desperate to fix the problems, they will allow us to make a deal with Trump to continue the privatisation of the NHS. Despite the numerous medical conditions that are no longer treated, the thousands of excess deaths per month and moving to a US health service style will leave a large percentage of the population without medical care.

I think we should also reduce benefits and make them so worthless and problematic to claim that the most vulnerable in society will no longer be given the help to which they are entitled. Especially the disabled who should have to prove they are completely immobile before we give them a penny.

I think we should keep borrowing and increase national debt to over 90% of GDP, thereby locking taxpayer's money into debt and giving us the excuse we need to make cuts. While we continue to hand out extra tens of billions each year, to tax dodging corporations in welfare and subsidies while they cost us over a hundred billion in lost revenue from the tax gap every year. We just have to make sure the plebs never realise this money could fully fund all public services and institutions several times over.

We should also further cut funding to the Police to increase civil unrest and raise crime levels so that people feel more vulnerable and polarised. This also may allow us to slowly replace smaller forces with private security. Not to mention it could be useful in cases of civil unrest to allow us to mobilise the army, free of human rights concerns by then - if our Armed Forces Bill passes in the near future.

I also think we should cut even more money from schools, sure start centres, libraries and close many of them down so that the lower classes can be more easily manipulated by the media, which is 80% owned by millionaires and billionaires who support our policies, well !, some even create our policies. Also we should ramp up the scapegoating stories about homeless people begging or on drugs, immigrants, the unemployed, single parents, teachers, the elderly being a burden etc. That way we can ensure they never realise what we're doing or be angry at the loss of their liberties, the shortening of their lifespan, loss of loved ones and the constant stream of lies we perpetuate to keep ourselves in power." - Random Tory MP.