Saturday, 19 January 2019

Tory Myths and misconceptions part 2

Tory Myths and misconceptions part 2. Labour ruined the economy : Blair was Thatcher's Greatest Legacy, a neoliberal sympathiser and a warmongering asshat. As much as I hate to defend him. New Labour only borrowed £100 billion between 1997-2007, only borrowed around £100 billion in ten years, the Tories have borrowed more than that every year since 2010. National Debt as a % of GDP 1997/98 – 40.4% of GDP When Labour took power. National Debt as a % of GDP 2007/08 – 36.4% of GDP Before the global financial crisis. National Debt as a % of GDP was reduced by 4% by Labour in the ten years of office before the Global Financial Crisis. The Global Financial Crisis when as much as 40% of the World's wealth was stolen was 2007-8 it was caused by dodgy Investment Bankers, fractional reserve banking and sophisticated algorithms. Labour left office 2 years later in 2010. The debt incurred at this time was predominantly a result of the global financial loses and the cross party agreement to bail out the banks. The Tories recently admitted that this was handled well by the New Labour government and would have done the same thing in their place. The Tories have doubled national debt since 2010 by adding £900 billion in just 8 years ! They have also created 2/3rds of our national debt historically. Public sector debt as a % of GDP being lowered by 4% proves Labour had done a great job on the economy up to the time of the Global Financial Crisis. Those who blame Labour for the crisis should learn about global economics, fractional reserve banking and dodgy investment bankers. Brown and the gold : the following Financial Times article from after the dust settled, clearly states that Gordon Brown selling the gold was the right thing for the economy and Britain at the time. The Tories have also sold as much gold historically. Corbyn / Labour v Blair / New Labour : Corbyn and Blair are ideologically different. Blair is known as Thatcher's greatest legacy because his ideology was closer to Thatcherism. He used watered down Tory policy such as John Major's PFIs. Blair also dropped 'clause 4' which is the historical socialist base of the Labour party. Blair tried to drag New Labour to the center leaving the electorate with the choice between two flavours of neoliberalism - Tory and Tory-Light. Corbyn has restored Labour's historical ideology of Democratic Socialism and restored them to the left where they belong. Most of those who support true Labour ideology are not happy with Blair for the damage he did and is still doing. Hence why every Tory tabloid slur on Corbyn is always backed by Blairites. They still want to draw Labour to the center and leave behind the ideological roots of the Labour party. Extreme Left : It is not extreme to want to feed children, have wages you can live on, reduce poverty and stop corporations avoiding tax which we all pay towards services and institutions. When corporations and millionaires use tax evasion / avoidance and tax havens they are depriving us of the money to repair the roads they use, the institutions we depend on and infrastructure they exploit for their profit. Britain was built on socialist principles. Sending your child to state schools. Having free access to the legal system. Using the NHS paid for by your Taxes and N.I. contributions. Public Transport, Public Libraries, Public Parks, The Welfare State. These are all examples of Socialist Democracy at work, as are things like National Parks / National Trust. Socialism is not a dirty word. Social Democracy is about providing a society to benefit us all. Labour policy is exactly like Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Finland and other scandinavian models of mainstream governments. It is financially sound, morally responsible and has worked exceptionally well to provide a high standard of living and a stable economy. The Venezuelan argument is typical tabloid nonsense that requires the absence of critical thought to believe. Privatisation : A core part of Tory ideology that Thatcher started using in the 80's classed as neoliberalism was privatisation and it does not work. Essentially privatisation is taking the taxpayer funded institutions and services and selling them to private enterprise to run for profit. The extra layers of admin and requirements for profit end up costing the taxpayer more for services while decreasing efficiency. We also pay these corporations billions in subsidies. Privatisation of energy led to excessive price rises and poor service. Privatisation of the trains led to public debt, subsidies, bailouts and a rise in prices and poor service. The privatisation of our water led to public debts, subsidies and a rise in prices and poor service. The privatisation of Royal Mail has led to a rise in prices and poor service. This may lead you to the conclusion that Privatisation doesn't work. However, privatisation works perfectly for shareholders. They get the profits and a huge chunk of our taxes via subsidies, That we pay them to do our government's job. We get a rise in prices, poor service and public debt.

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