Wednesday, 18 July 2018

Legal Aid

Have you been injured at work, sacked unlawfully ? Have you lost disability or PIP payments ? Have you been wrongfully sanctioned by the DWP ? Are you a bereaved family seeking justice or an inquest into a loved one's death ? have you had your human rights breached but can't afford to pursue a case ? Tough luck, because the changes to legal aid brought in by the Tory government in 2012 to save money along with changes to the way in which solicitors are paid for legal aid work in 2006 means that justice is now harder to get and is truly only for those with money.

The Legal Aid Agency’s exceptional case funding scheme was originally expected to help 7,000 people a year following the 2012 reforms. Instead it supports only a few hundred. Cuts to legal aid have made the enforcement of human rights “simply unaffordable” for many people in the UK, a cross-party group of MPs and peers has warned. The Joint Committee on Human Rights warned that large parts of the country have become “legal aid deserts”, as practitioners withdraw from providing legal aid services because they can no longer afford to do this work.

But we in the government don't really give a crap because we can all afford legal fees, we spent £1.2 million of your taxes in legal fees fighting a challenge to Brexit. We spent £370,000 losing air pollution legal battles. We also through the MOD spent £750,000 on legal fees denying responsibility for soldier deaths. We spent a staggering £200 million trying to stop the disabled getting help they're entitled to. We also gave Virgin Care £2 million of your taxes after they successfully sued us.

The Tory government, we're here to say F*ck You, F*ck legal aid and F*ck human rights !

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