Monday, 12 December 2022

Free Ebook - The art of left-wing self-defence or how I learned to cancel myself on social media - Free Edition - Cut Down.

Title:  The art of left-wing self-defence or how I learned to cancel myself on social media. 

By Steven Paul Parker. 2022 - Free version.

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This book is intended for adults 18+ and is not suitable for children or those who are easily offended.

Covering my ass from the legal ramifications of changes or additions:

This book is the intellectual property of the author - Steven Paul Parker and is covered under UK copyright law from creation. The author is willing to allow the free distribution of this book provided no charges are taken and that the text remains unaltered and no amendments or additions are included. All parodies are covered by the copyright's 'fair usage' policy.

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Dedicated to the army of neolithic neanderthal knuckle-draggers who bashed their fists on the keyboard until somehow sentences magically appeared and wasted thousands of hours of my life with mind-numbingly senseless sealioning. You made me realise that Tory myths spread like wildfire among the ignorant and that all I had to do was a little research to correct those misconceptions, logical fallacies and blatant lies. While graphs, stats and charts can be manipulated through timelines, ommissions, narrow focuses and carefully phrased headers; the raw data can always be checked and analysed.


The author (that's me 'Steven Parker', why am I talking about myself in the third person? - a very worrying development) was born on a council estate in S.Wales and has spent a lifetime in dead-end jobs and working poverty in an effort to understand the human experience from the perspective of the very bottom of the social ladder. While struggling to climb the greased lower rungs and then realised several of the lowest rungs were actually completely missing and fell off. At 50 years old, he still hasn't learned how to use punctuation properly and so tends to write sprawling never ending sentences that are very difficult to read and only serve to expose his severe lack of literacy and poor understanding of the English language. 

Having spent at least several seconds wondering why life was so unfair he eventually learned to read and spent thousands of hours being sealioned on social media. This helped him learn his craft and the history of British politics and economics, though he has little interest in either as he is more interested in humanity and the truth. Waking up each morning in an alternative universe far stranger than the one that existed the night before, he has come to realise that the truth is now optional and history is in flux as it is rewritten and revised by right-whinge think tanks on a daily basis. 

He now suffers from late-stage terminal sarcasm brought about by decades of neoliberalism and the never-ending cronyism and corruption of the Conservative party and so decided to collate some of his posts, poems and parodies. Many of the paragraphs are sarcastic satire and some are simple explanations, have fun finding out which is which.

After many months of excruciating soul-searching, the Tories have yet to find one!

Clarification of some of the terms used in the book:

Sealioning - disingenuous action by a commenter (neolithic neanderthal knuckledraggers) of making an ostensible effort (bashing their fists on the keyboard until somehow sentences magically appear) to engage in sincere and serious civil (mind-numbingly senseless) debate.

Neoliberalism - The art of siphoning taxpayer money to the offshore accounts of the rich and infamous while reducing government spending and creating a lot of debt and misery in the process via privatisation, deregulation of the banks and small government.

Brexit - The ability to crash a country's economy and destroy unity while polarising the population to continue to facilitate global corporate tax evasion. It's like a snake eating its own tail, an Ouroboros of infinite clusterfucks that feeds itself as it slithers in ever-decreasing circles of rationality.

Privatisation - The art of siphoning taxpayer money to the offshore accounts of the rich and infamous while reducing public infrastructure to a debt-ridden corpse run by mindless managers on extortionate salaries.

Money - Money is simply a human construct that in practice allows a tiny minority to own and control the vast majority of the world's 'actual' resources (Land, Water, Human Labour).

Poverty gap - The gap between the rich and the poor. It's funny how the wealthy increase their assets while the poor suffer austerity repeatedly, what a coincidence. If only we could find a tangible link between these two seemingly disconnected facts. It's almost as if there is an inversely proportional relationship.

The Mainstream Media - The mainstream media writes the script for society and we unwittingly play our part. With each psychological cue, every handcrafted narrative, and each carefully chosen word to manifest the illusion. They predict the future and we become the self-fulfilling prophecy.

Capitalism - Burying efficient technologies and creating useless tat with built-in obsolescence in an endless cycle of consumerism and pollution, plunging the human race headfirst into extinction for the sake of profits, in a relentless debasement of sanity and logic.

Conservative/Tory - Condescending, amoral, no-skill, inherited wealth, nanny-fed, elitist products of the shallow end of the British gene pool and decades of stagnant evolution. Their main traits include kleptocracy, cronyism, nepotism, theft and wielding economic euthanasia like it's a fucking superpower. AKA our inspiring Etonian overlords and their wealthy corporate handlers.

Propaganda - Goebbels realised all you need is emotional content to win over the masses, and rational arguments become useless against the gestalt weight of a million idiots. Tories employ that tool and the gammonesque horde of Stockholm syndrome-suffering sycophants with cognitive dissonance lap it up like a fat cat with a bowl of cream.

Austerity - Or economic euthanasia as I like to call it, is akin to the rich firing cannons at a poor village because it's too close to their castle.


Sing a song of sixpence, a pocket full of cash;

Four and twenty kleptocrats stealing from our tax.

When the country realised, they all began to sing,

Get the Tories out of office or they'll sell off everything!

I'll try to make this quick and get the basics out of the way. Firstly I do not despise people simply because of wealth, we are all equal as far as I'm concerned. It's ideology and belief systems regarding wealth that denigrate the poor and subject them to a life of poverty that I despise. What is ideology? Ideology is a system of ideas and ideals that form the basis of an economic and political blueprint. In Britain, the main two historical ideologies are Democratic Socialism used by Labour, which is the left and Conservatism (Neoliberalism since Margaret Thatcher) which is the right.

Clement Attlee who became Prime Minister of the UK in 1945 used Democratic Socialism to give the working class a fairer society. Things like social housing to enable us to escape the slums, legal aid so we had access to legal representation, the Welfare state - to protect the disabled and vulnerable, and free at the point of service health care under the NHS (In large part thanks to the tenacity of Aneurin Bevan) and nationalised many vital industries such as the Bank of England, Coal, Steel, Civil Aviation, Railways, Road Transport, National Parks, Energy - Gas & Electricity etc. The vital infrastructure for society. Sending your child to state schools. Having free access to the legal system. Using the NHS paid for by your taxes and N.I. contributions. Public Transport, Public Libraries, Public Parks, The Welfare State. These are all examples of Democratic Socialism at work. Socialism is not a dirty word. Social Democracy is about providing a society to benefit us all.

Conservative ideology has been Thatcherite neoliberalism since the 1980s and has dominated our political system for four decades. Characterised by small government, privatisation and deregulation of the banking sector. Edward Heath came to office as Tory PM in 1970-74 and was elected on the platform of defeating the unions. He laid the groundwork for what Thatcher continued. It was a setup and the unions were just fighting against the loss of jobs and wages. They had their telephones bugged and had undercover officers starting fights and causing trouble at pickets so the tabloids could demonise and discredit the unions. Thatcher reduced industry to purge the left and Unions of power in a Pinochet-inspired attack while putting our eggs in the London fiscal basket. Sold off our social housing under 'The right to buy' which was a cynical scheme that ended with most of our social housing in the hands of private landlords. While not building new social housing which had the effect of increasing homelessness, rising house and rent prices by squeezing the housing market.

Since then the Tories have turned the UK into a global hub for laundering the criminal elite's cash for them via the crown dependencies and overseas territories. Privatisation is essentially selling off taxpayer-owned infrastructure to the private sector under the argument that the private sector is more efficient and cost-effective. In reality, much of our privatised industry has become less efficient and a huge drain on public resources through layers of admin and profit requirements. Which the public has to then pay for through taxation via corporate subsidies, corporate welfare, bailouts, grants, tax relief and any other thing the Tories can think of to siphon taxpayer cash to the offshore accounts of shareholders.

All profit under Nationalised industry is used to reduce costs to the public and to reinvest to improve services. It is a nation being self-sufficient and not being at the mercy of a profit-driven hostile market. Profits from Privatisation go to shareholders and predominantly find their way out of our economy to offshore accounts for tax purposes.

All debt is actually an increase in wealth for some, the debt is owned and when paid back becomes wealth. Government debt is an increase in wealth to those who own that debt at a cost to those who have to pay it back. In the case of government debt, it is the taxpayers who are collateral and therefore have to pay it back. We don't tax wealth in the UK, we predominantly tax working income. Every crisis we face is an opportunity for the government to increase debt and increase the wealth of their donors. Kids in a sweetshop springs to mind...

And now for something completely different:

Just remember that you're standing in a country that's devolving

and dissolving at 900 miles an hour.

The Tories making millions every second, so it's reckoned,

The media, the source of all their power.

Now The Sun, The Daily Mail, The Daily Express, The Telegraph,

Are bullshitting millions of Brits every day,

In the awful Tory Britain full of poverty and decay,

On a planet in the embarrassed Milky Way.

A short allegory:

There were once two brothers named Socialism and Capitalism. They disagreed on everything. Socialism argued that people should be treated equally and given equal opportunity to thrive. Capitalism argued that people should make their own way and live and die on their individual merits. Socialism pointed out to his brother that some people need help in life but often provide a bounty in return when they are able and even if they couldn't it was still right to care for them. Capitalism argued that this was a drain on everyone's resources and that those people should fall so that others can acquire more resources as a reward for their abilities. Socialism asked his cousins' Cooperation and Compassion to back him up. Capitalism asked his cousins Competition and Greed to back him up. They argued for many years each side presenting their views.

Until one day their father Wisdom decided he'd had enough. He sent his sons to separate deserted islands. Both islands had an abundance of resources and an abundance of plant and animal life. Each son took their two favourite cousins. Capitalism with Competition and Greed. Socialism with Cooperation and Compassion. After a few months, Wisdom decided to visit his sons to see how they were getting along.

He first went to see his son Socialism and was very happy to find that Socialism was thriving along with his cousins. Wisdom asked Socialism how he'd managed to build such a wonderful home and Socialism explained that when they arrived things had not been so easy. But Cooperation had helped him to build a tall home with many rooms to keep them all safe and warm. While Compassion had cared for them, provided them with food and made medicines from the local herbs when they were ill. After spending a few days with his son enjoying the bounty and luxury Socialism, Cooperation and Compassion had provided Wisdom decided to visit his other son Capitalism. Socialism, Cooperation and Compassion provided Wisdom with plenty of food and herbs for the journey. 

On arrival, Wisdom could see a small one-level shack that looked run down and in need of repair. He found his son Capitalism inside shivering and clearly suffering from an ailment. Wisdom gave his son some of the food Socialism and Cooperation had provided for Wisdom's journey as well as some herbs that Compassion had supplied. After a few hours Capitalism managed to sit up in bed looking a little better. Wisdom asked his son what had happened. Capitalism explained to his father that within hours of their arrival Competition had started to disagree with him on every course of action exclaiming that he knew a better way, while Greed had eaten everything nearby and only done the very least to ensure he could look after himself alone. After many days of arguments, they decided to go their separate ways. Capitalism explained that Greed was living on the west of the island and Competition was living on the east of the island. Wisdom left his son Capitalism with some food and herbs then set out to find Competition and Greed, after a few days he came back to Capitalism's small home with Competition and Greed in tow, in no better state than he'd found Capitalism. 

Wisdom gave them some more of the food Socialism and Cooperation had provided and some herbs from Compassion. When they were all able to travel they set out to journey to the other island where Socialism, Cooperation and Compassion lived. During the journey, Capitalism looked up to his father Wisdom and said "I want to change my name". His father Wisdom looked pleased, smiled and said "That's great son any name but Fascism is fine with me."


At this point, I will admit that despite my preference for Social Democracy/Democratic Socialism over Neoliberal Capitalism I think we need to design a new system. Utilising a group of our best city planners, engineers, architects, resource management experts, security advisors, ecological experts, human rights lawyers, inventors, technical experts etc to complete the task of creating a sustainable resource-based economy and community that is ecologically sound and based around decentralised power. Essentially taking advantage of modern technology, like the ability to gain a consensus of the population in minutes on any given topic and therefore removing the middlemen who usurp power for their corporate causes via lobbying and corrupt politicians.

The Tories:

Or to use their full name 'Conservative Unionist Nationalist Troglodyte Society' 

Surprisingly, they don't use the acronym...

The medical benefits of cannabis are well known, unfortunately, it can't cure conservatism, tests were conducted and although promising at first with Tories showing partial signs of humanity and decency, once treatment had ended the Tories went straight back to being complete dicks.

Firstly I'd just like to say, I won't have anyone saying the Conservatives are not trying to help the poor. They are ending the suffering of thousands every month by destroying the NHS. They are also doing their best to help the homeless have a voice by increasing their numbers significantly. They have also massively lowered unemployment figures by stopping people who are disabled or ill from claiming. They have done more to end the suffering of the poor than any other Government in history, by excluding them from health care and social care and allowing them to leave this world quickly and efficiently.

With that in mind, please read the following appeal:

Are you aware that many Tory MPs have never had the benefits of a happy family upbringing? That many Tory MPs were brought up by paid help or a Nanny? That some Tory MPs only know their parent's name because it is displayed on their Trust Fund? That their closest confidant and friend is their butler? If you can spare just 10 minutes a week please reach out to a Tory MP, send them a message or a letter and tell them that they are loved and that there is a better way. Encourage them to integrate with people, you know real people.

If you would like to adopt a Tory MP you should be hypocrite tolerant and have a very high boredom threshold. They require the most exquisite diet, because of their fragile constitution and need lots of care and light exercise once a year. A reasonable-sized mansion is suggested for housing your Tory MP and a large amount of public money should be set aside for future upgrades such as duck ponds, and moats; you know the usual. It's important to remember a Tory MP is not just for Christmas, they can be found dipping into the public cookie jar at all times of the year. Adopt a Tory MP today, and show them the way to a better life.

In all seriousness:

But in all seriousness, I just love the way the Tories have always done their best for Britain and its citizens. Every decision they make is carefully considered to provide the best opportunities for the British people especially the poor, vulnerable and disabled. They always do their utmost to help the elderly, especially during the winter and provide safe care homes for them in which to spend their final years. They never abuse their power by selling Britain out to the highest bidder, and they never give their donors and friends overpriced contracts at the taxpayer's expense. They are the most moral, dependable servants of the country and always put everyone else above their own interests. 

The Tories also did such a wonderful job with the pandemic, protecting care homes, buying cost-effective and durable PPE, spending a minuscule amount on the test and trace system, and leading by example during the lockdown. Those wonderful human beings in the Tory party make me proud to be British! It's indeed a pleasure and a privilege to be governed by such altruistic, philanthropic humanitarians, with such integrity, compassion and honour. Long live our inspiring Etonian overlords and their wealthy corporate handlers.

But apart from Brexit, Grenfell, Economic Euthanasia, Disabled Vilification, Election Fraud, Contempt of Parliament, Windrush Scandal, WASPI, Working Poverty, Homeless Crisis, Hostile Env, Food Banks, Universal Credit, NHS Crisis, Austerity, the endless failures during the pandemic and crashing the economy during a cost of living crisis what have the Tories ever done for us?


Now some people may argue that Brexit was the equivalent of cancelling your direct debits, defaulting on your mortgage, throwing your mobile phone in the bath while it's charging, setting fire to your house, driving your car into the canal and then running off into the woods half-naked screaming "I'm the wild man of Britain, hear me roar!"

But I disagree, I am so grateful for the way Brexit has improved the lives of Brits all over the Union. How smooth the transition was and how quickly all the border, import and export issues were solved. I was especially pleased with how little money was spent on administration and how the UK's standing improved on the global stage, especially in Europe. There were virtually no financial losses and the pound kept soaring ever higher. The UK has become unified and we all feel a closer kinship with the world. It was like a dream come true and there were hardly any teething problems as you'd expect with such a huge endeavour. Not to mention the extra investment we now provide the NHS as a result. The Tories protected the GFA at all costs. They made a plan right at the beginning and stuck to it all the way through, for a seamless transition, without aggravating a precarious peace. While implementing border controls that were easy to understand and smooth sailing for all involved. So glad we didn't lose any of the trading deals and relationships that took decades to build. An all-around success story for the UK. Now all that's left to do is to sit back and enjoy all those wonderful benefits with a nice cup of Sovereign Tea and a trip to the sunlit uplands to feed my Unicorns.

Brexit benefits: 

Brexit helped uncover shadowy groups such as the ERG. Has shown how good we had it under the EU. Shows how flawed the system is. Shows how data mining the public helps to steer and manipulate them to vote against their own interests. And has also shown how important the lack of transparency on the crown dependencies and our overseas territories is to the moneymen.

What was it really about?:

The lack of transparency on the crown dependencies and overseas territories allows the wealthy and corporations to avoid taxes. Britain is responsible for a large amount of corporate tax losses globally. After the Panama scandal, the EU brought in the Tax Avoidance directive that would have put an end to that, had we stayed in the EU. The wealthy families including the non-dom tabloid owners and Tories who had been named in the Panama papers - Johnson, Cameron, Rees-Mogg etc would have lost their ability to dodge taxes. The more the wealthy and corporations avoid taxation the more the tax burden falls on us to pay their share. Cameron begged the EU to exclude Britain from the directive and they refused. So he came back and announced the referendum as it was the only option left to the wealthy. Then they sold it to the public with lies about sovereignty and immigration, taking control back etc. We always had the option to control our borders and to negotiate deals with the EU. We always had the ability to choose our laws, the only restrictions were ones we agreed to so we could trade and have free movement ourselves. All countries have to agree to compromise by following international law to be part of the EU and gain the benefits from the trading block and to ensure that citizens' rights are protected. British lawyers drafted the ECHR and many other things that EU countries agree to - border policies, human rights, animal welfare, food standards etc.

The toxic team of Tory troglodytes toast to their tyrannical turmoil while truth testifies to the totalitarian transfiguration thunder-striking our territory. The Tories terrorise the taxpayer to traitorously transfer taxes to tax havens via treasonous tailored tributes.

Feckless leadership:

What feckless leadership the Tories provideth, as they strive with lies and thus divide us.

What food and energy can a working wage buy, when the Tories drain our Country dry?

With hungered belly and empty wallet, houses like ice with frozen toilets,

The workers who provide the hands, that toil so hard across this land,

Are left alone to fend unprotected, while corporate taxes remain uncollected.

As cruelty reigns and poverty encircles the vulnerable and impoverished workers,

'Help' we cry in desperation, while inept Tory policies inspire inflation.

We drown in debt, they drown in champagne, lives shallow, self-serving and vain.

With unity and action direct, the people can stop this cruel neglect.

It's time to stand, as one and shout 'Get those fucking Tories out!'

So why should workers get wages that allow them to live a reasonable existence and avoid poverty?

Well, workers produce the goods, build the houses, build the roads, transport the goods, heal the sick, repair what's broken, provide the services, work out the balance sheets, fight the wars, manage, clean and protect society. We provide the dual roles in the economy of worker and taxpayer, producer and consumer, service provider and service user. We are collateral, taxpayers, cannon fodder and consumers. Why do we live in poverty while the rich siphon our taxes to their offshore accounts and provide little use to society other than investing their inherited wealth for their own profits?

Corporations, politicians and the media think they have all the power to control and manipulate us. But without workers there are no profits, without voters, politicians are impotent, without viewers and readers the media are powerless. We give them profits, potency and power, we should always remember that.

So if all this is true how come the Tories remain in power? 

The media lens illuminates a kaleidoscope of multicoloured bullshit. Unfortunately, most people don't look further than the pretty colours...

Tacky tabloids:

Injustice unpunished, tacky tabloids know the truth,

But will never they publish these facts, they lack sleuths.

No investigative journalism, just gaslighting the poor.

Electric lighting too expensive; prices have soared.

Let's just blame the migrants or disabled and pity

the homeless who freeze every night in our cities.

They're all alcoholics or on drugs no doubt,

At least that's what the tacky tabloids doth shout!

While the government devote all our taxes to shares

to for-profit services making gains from dodgy wares.

Then out of our economy, these profits will soar,

On the wings of a vulture to accounts far offshore.

The non-dom tabloid owners who avoid taxes all

are increasing the burden on the workers who fall

into poverty no doubt, as their pleas go unheard.

While the tacky tabloid owners blame a lack of hard work.

But the hardest of workers all seem to be poor,

On twelve-hour shifts and then struggling some more.

They can barely afford heating or food as their lives

are turned into profits, by the morally deprived.

If there's one thing I've learned by reading their crap,

Truth has been abducted and nurses can't live off claps.

What the hell am I bothering to type this shite for.

The media care not for the plight of the poor.

Tardigrades are microscopic eight-legged animals. Tardigrades can go up to 30 years without food or water. They can also live at temperatures as cold as absolute zero or above boiling, at pressures six times that of the ocean's deepest trenches, and in the vacuum of space. But this is nothing in comparison to the survival skills of the inept, corrupt, incompetent, unpopular Tory party who cling to power as a leech to a main artery.

"Cash drops in the Caymans for soulless politicians.

Breaking their own rules and making cold-hearted descisions.

Brown paper envelopes which bribery brings.

These are a few of the Tory's favourite things."

Tory Cabinet:

The usual state of the Tory cabinet is a lot like an old MFI cabinet, it's far too expensive, has plenty of screws missing, is hard to assemble, weak and wobbly, and falls apart after limited use.

My favourite Tory MPs:

Boris Johnson: Boris is not completely useless, he at least serves as a bad example. I wish he'd visit the restaurant called Karma, there's no menu, you just get what you deserve. Boris has Van Gogh's ear for music and Einstein's looks. He loves nature in spite of what it did to him. He's the human form of a cold shiver looking for a spine to run up. Not only dull himself but he inspires dullness in others. He also has delusions of adequacy. Boris was born with a silver foot in his mouth. He has the backbone of a chocolate eclair, the IQ of a crack-addicted hamster and all the charisma of a used tissue. The only man, who after selling his soul had to give the Devil a refund... in roubles.

I'm not a master poet,

But for the right words, I will hunt.

My apologies for the inference,

But Boris is a...

Boorish Boris blushes as he blithely boldly bullshits the befuddled British with barmy boastful balderdash. Not all the British are brainwashed and bewildered by the berserk braggart. The brave beneficent British buck the blusterous blonde Boris and his breathtaking buffoonery.

Bungling Boris the brainless blabbermouth and his breathtaking bludgeoning of British beliefs with bile and bullshit breaks Britain's balance. But because brutish bullies blissfully believe blustering Boris' bias bullshit. Braver beings build better beliefs based on brains.

Jacob Rees-Mogg: I'm just glad Jacob isn't a privileged elitist tax-dodging hypocrite who obfuscates and provides no useful service to the UK other than providing a good example of how to be a century or two out of date in thinking and fashion style. It is so refreshing to have such a down-to-earth man of the people who understands what we are going through during these difficult times. However, whenever I see Jacob Rees-Mogg I can't help but think of the 1800s and Whitechapel. Flickering shadows cast by an oil lamp post dance around a cloaked figure. A scream pierces the pitch-black midnight silence that hovers over London like an ominous warning. The sound of a cane cracking against the cobbled pavement as a red pool reflects a blood moon with the silhouette of a nefarious character in a cloak and a top hat. Jack the Kipper.

Theresa May: I think Theresa is a lovely young lady with a heart of gold and shouldn't be subject to ridicule. Her morality is clear from her social policies, her tolerance from her time as home secretary and her negotiation skills are legendary in the EU. Always helping her husband Philip with legislation to aid his business of tax avoidance via tax havens. So please stop making fun of this national treasure! She's definitely not - as some people have referred to her - a soulless kleptocrat and the firstborn, cloven-hoofed spawn of Satan. I just think it's important to clear that up!

An honourary mention for the UKIP leader:

Nigel Farage is a coast cruising, cliff clutching, shore shagging, surf stalking, seaside scampering, beach bothering, boat buggering, pier patrolling, promenade picketing, ferry fondling fuckwit. The product of relations between Kermit the Frog and Hitler.

Hello from Tory HQ:

Hello from your friendly neighbourhood Conservative government. We're not here to put your taxes to good use and save you money, we prefer profiting from our investments in privatisation and covering up our fuck-ups with a blatant disregard for democracy.

You may be aware of our Universal Credit and sanctions that have sent so many Brits to food banks or caused rent arrears, eviction and homelessness even though they cost far more to implement than the money saved. The Disabled Living Allowance and PIP assessments have caused so many of the disabled and vulnerable to lose their mobility or even commit suicide. That has cost the taxpayer over £200 million in fees defending our human rights breaches of the sick and disabled. But we don't give a flying fuck because we profit from privatisation while reducing the surplus population, win-win.

We also pay over a hundred billion every year to corporations in welfare and subsidies. While allowing them to defraud us of many tens of billions per annum via the tax gap. You know the corporations who donate to us while we invest and profit from them.

If you're a corporation or investor and want to avoid the EU Anti-Tax Avoidance Directive we have given you Brexit, we will rewrite UN human rights, ignore animal welfare, enforce our hostile environment policy and ignore pollution regulations to increase your profits. But don't worry we've stocked up on tinned food for the plebs, to counter the upcoming shortage and medical supplies for the under-funded NHS we plan to stealth privatise.

So when you think of the British government don't think of competence and reliability. Think profiteering elite psychopaths distorting democracy to keep you poor and keep us rich.

Without the Tory party:

But without the Tory party who would siphon our taxes via corporate greed, supply corporate welfare and subsidies depriving public services and institutions of funding? who would corrupt democracy and enforce legislation to reduce our working and human rights? who would stealth privatise the NHS? who would lie to us in parliament and the tabloids while perpetuating smears about the opposition? who would sell off and privatise our national industry, institutions and public services? who would legislate to give us low wages and working poverty? who would sell weapons to despots and countries on our human rights watch list? who would help increase homelessness by not building any new affordable social housing? who would rob the WASPI women of their pensions? who would create a hostile environment policy that harms minorities? who would cause the excess deaths of Brits every year via cuts? double the suicide rates among the disabled? who would increase the gap between the rich and the poor?

It saves time to just understand that the Tories are thieving, soulless kleptocratic cockwombles and that everything they do is to line their own pockets with backhanders while handing over the public's taxes to corporations via corporate welfare, subsidies and dodgy contracts.

I'd love to help someone who can't move to walk again. To be able to reclaim someone from the nightmare inside their own mind and guide them back to reality just to see them smile. To repair a paralysed person's spine and watch them dance for the first time. To develop technology to help a blind person see and watch as they look around for the first time with tears in their eyes. That's why I'd never vote Tory.

Diet Tories: A moment in office, a lifetime on your wallet!

Ode to the Tories:

I love the way you funnel our taxes,

to the bankers and corporations, you serve.

The way you ensure policies to profit

investors like your mate's firms.

The way you smile in PMQs,

while lying to the house.

You really are as generous

as the hawk is to the mouse.

The way you help the disabled,

by ensuring their hardships increase.

Taking away their mobility benefits

and helping them to become deceased.

I'm sure I'll never meet you,

as in different circles we move.

But you need to leave office immediately

so the lives of all Brits can improve.

So please take your kleptocratic underlings,

and your donations from those you serve.

And shove them where the sun don't shine

and that's more than you deserve.

So who would support the Tories?

"I've been a Tory supporter all my life, I believe in generations living on inherited wealth and increasing the gap between the rich and poor. I believe in repeating false stories and misleading statistics from a think tank we fund to back up a flawed ideology. I believe in watching poor people suffer, we like to sacrifice old people at Xmas, the more we cut the winter fuel allowance, the more we sacrifice.

When we cut the NHS more poor people are disproportionately affected and hence thousands of the most vulnerable are spared years of pointless existence. We also especially like to cut funds from schools, education and benefits for the disabled. Sometimes, just for kicks, we like to burn a £50 note in front of a homeless person.

My skills include the trait of being able to avoid answering a simple question, blaming others for my own incompetence and the ability to act like I give a flying fuck on the odd occasion. I believe in prioritising corporate welfare over the welfare state, after all, there are plenty of poor people, but so few tax avoidance companies.

The main reason I believe these things is because of flawed logic, a selfish ideology, an inability to access empathy and the lack of a soul. Please don't judge or persecute me just because I revel in the suffering of innocents to improve my personal financial situation." - Some random Tory cockwomble.

With all the anti-protest and anti-strike legislation, the Tories are now trying to implement the brave souls who fought for the rights and freedoms we are losing would be turning in their graves. A few hundred Tories are taking our money and providing authoritarian legislation and huge cuts in return. We are being bombarded by tax hikes, wage cuts, loss of freedoms, curable illness, and economic euthanasia. While we sit back and binge-watch the TV the next generation will inherit the causal brutality caused by our apathy.

Tory Haikus:

Tory deception,

For the motive of profit.

Sigh! Kleptocracy.

So cold was the day,

Tory minister I saw.

Hands in own pockets.

Tory metaphor,

Walking on lake of thin ice,

Splash! no more Tory.

Merry Christmas from the Conservative Party:

At this time of year when enjoying roast peasant (erm pheasant) and champagne in a country house with 16 bedrooms and a roaring log fire, we'd like to wish the 300,000+ homeless people and the pensioners who struggle to heat their homes a Very Merry Christmas. While tucking into our festive banquet we will no doubt spare a thought for those who have to use the plethora of splendid food banks that we have nurtured from just a handful.

While dancing around to festive tunes in a mansion we always give a big festive shout-out to the disabled who have had their rights breached by us, their entitlements stopped and been declared fit for work. Because it's the time of year when we consider the lost loved ones, and beloved families now passed, we'd also like to say Happy Christmas to the families of the victims of austerity and cuts that cause so many excess deaths every year. We know a cheery message won't bring your loved ones back, but the richest in the UK have doubled their wealth during austerity, so it's not all bad news.

Please spare a thought for others this festive season. Many are too ill to enjoy the festive season and will be in the NHS enjoying the care of our underpaid nurses and doctors at our partially staffed, lightly funded hospitals, enjoying the very best treatment someone working 80+ hours a week can give.

We are not doing panto this year (outside of parliament), but we will be available for photo ops at a food bank near you. So from all of us at the Conservative party a Merry Christmas and a big thank you for allowing us to rob you blind again this year.

'Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house

Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse;

The Dad hung from the chimney the result of despair,

Because the Tories had made his life impossible to bear.

The children were malnourished, asleep in their beds;

While dreams of free school dinners danced in their heads.

The Tories are artists, they have used legislation, cuts and austerity as their palette to create a perfect rendering of Victorian life. Full of all the features found in a Dickens novel - poverty, hungry children suffering from treatable diseases and low-wage workers servicing the needs of the idle wealthy.

Random Tory MP:

"I think it's a good idea to legislate for more cuts to pensions, benefits and the winter fuel allowance, despite the escalating deaths each winter to the elderly. We should also cut even more funding from the NHS and escalate the crisis by adding more outsourcing, management, and for-profit organisations to ensure people will be so desperate to fix the problems, they will allow us to make a deal to further privatise the NHS. Despite the numerous medical conditions that are no longer treated, the thousands of excess deaths per month and moving to a US health service style will leave a large percentage of the population without medical care.

I think we should also reduce benefits and make them so worthless and problematic to claim that the most vulnerable in society will no longer be given the help to which they are entitled. Especially the disabled who should have to prove they are completely immobile before we give them a penny.

I think we should keep borrowing and increase the national debt to well over 90% of GDP, thereby locking taxpayers' money into debt and giving us the excuse we need to make cuts. While we continue to hand out extra tens of billions each year, to tax-dodging corporations in corporate welfare and subsidies while they cost us tens of billions in lost revenue from the tax gap every year. We just have to make sure the plebs never realise this money could fully fund all public services and institutions several times over.

We should also further cut funding to the Police to increase civil unrest and raise crime levels so that people feel more vulnerable and polarised. This also may allow us to slowly replace smaller forces with private security. Not to mention it could be useful in cases of civil unrest to allow us to mobilise the army, free of human rights concerns by then as our Armed Forces Bill will be in place, preferably coupled with anti-protest legislation.

I also think we should cut even more money from schools, sure start centres, libraries and close many of them down so that the lower classes can be more easily manipulated by the media, which is 80% owned by millionaires and billionaires who support our policies, well, some even create our policies. The last thing we want is educated, well-fed, healthy citizens immune to gaslighting walking around challenging our aristocracy and our corporatocracy. Also, we should ramp up the scapegoating stories about homeless people begging or on drugs, immigrants, the unemployed, single parents, teachers, the disabled, the elderly being a burden etc. That way we can ensure they never realise what we're doing or be angry at the loss of their liberties, the shortening of their lifespan, the loss of loved ones and the constant stream of lies we perpetuate to keep ourselves in power." - Random Tory MP.

Nameless homeless guy:

Snow falls, a host of tiny angels dancing in my view,

as I lie here bones cold my matted hair all askew.

I used to employ thousands before my business went under.

Paid taxes, insurance, now I shiver, numb with wonder.

As I stare at the sky a canopy of strange lights,

my wet blankets provide inadequate warmth tonight.

I've been beaten and moved on and this is where I lie,

Knowing surely that this is the place I will die.

My blood hardly moving and my heart barely beats,

as the pain in my chest echoes the pain in my feet.

I think back to those summers in Bali and Greece,

When I was wealthy and happy, lazy days on the beach.

I look around at the others, many are shivering too,

I realise Mary has succumbed, her face now pale blue.

I'm glad she's at peace, her life - a living hell,

But I know not her family or whom I could tell.

I wonder what worth am I, will I be remembered?

or just another homeless man, who finally surrendered.

To the cold and the pain, to the thoughts of my past.

Life is a dream that for all of us will pass.

I wish I'd been a better man, I should have realised,

Wealth is not everything, how precious is life!

The darkness all around me, my eyesight grows dim.

Wish someone would hold me, with tears my eyes brim.

Should have written this on paper, now I'm too weak to write,

At Least my thoughts aren't as bitter as this bitterly cold night.

Time to sleep now, I'm tired; it's all I have left.

As my body gives in and I breathe my last breath.

Universal Credit:

A system of intentional opacity and cruelty with inhuman bureaucracy designed to be problematic while leaving the claimant without support for weeks or even months. Designed by incompetent kleptocrats who wield economic euthanasia like it's a fucking superpower...

Proud? or slightly angry?

I'd love to say I'm proud of what our country has become,

But we're ruled by elite kleptocrats these Tory fucking scum!

They kill the poor and vulnerable and kill the disabled too.

I really cannot stand the way they shit on me and you.

I'd love to say I'm proud of what our country has achieved,

But selling arms for genocide is an immoral creed.

We funnel the elite's cash for them to tax havens around the world,

While cuts to public services kill our own, this is absurd.

I'd love to say I'm proud of how our country is perceived,

But we are the sick man of Europe because of Tory fucking greed.

They asset strip our country while pandering to the far right,

It's time to say enough is enough, It's time to stand and fight!

So if you'd like to be proud of what our country could become,

It's time to vote, to march, to shout! Get rid of Tory scum.

No more deaths will we suffer, no more this vile abuse.

The far right can fuck right off, and the Tories can fuck off too.

Corporate template letter to the Tory party:

Dear Conservative Party,

I run a large corporation and we've been failing because I pay myself an exorbitant salary and have little respect for my minimum wage, zero-hour contract employees. I've been told if I donate to the Conservative party I can get some action on the public purse and maybe you will throw a few lucrative contracts my way so I can keep my offshore bank account topped up.

I understand I may have to pay a small percentage of the legally required corporation tax. Anyways just let me know how much I need to donate and what kind of returns I can expect from the public taxes via overpriced contracts that I will try to provide at least 2 or 3% efficiency on. If it all goes tits up, just bet against me on hedge funds.

Thanks in advance.

Ric H.B'stard.

Legal Aid:

Have you been injured at work, or sacked unlawfully? Have you lost disability or PIP payments? Have you been wrongfully sanctioned by the DWP? Are you a bereaved family seeking justice or an inquest into a loved one's death? have you had your human rights breached but can't afford to pursue a case? Tough luck, because the changes to legal aid brought in by the Tory government in 2012 to save money along with changes to the way in which solicitors are paid for legal aid work in 2006 means that justice is now harder to get and is truly only for those with money.

But we in the government don't really give a crap because we can all afford legal fees, we spent £1.2 million of your taxes in legal fees fighting a challenge to Brexit. We spent £370,000 losing air pollution legal battles. We also through the MOD spent £750,000 on legal fees denying responsibility for British soldiers' deaths. We spent a staggering £200 million trying to stop the sick and disabled from getting the help they're entitled to. We also gave Virgin Care £2 million of your taxes after they successfully sued us.

The Tory government, we're here to say fuck You, fuck legal aid and fuck human rights!

Neoliberal pledge:

I give my silent, obedient consent to the Conservative neoliberal agenda. I promise to believe anything their non-dom media mogul donors print. I promise to support financial wars of resource control. I promise to support whatever regulations the government implement, no matter how devastating to society. I promise to pay up to 50% of my income in a multitude of taxes to pay for public sector institutions, even when the government divert that money to the private sector via privatisation and subsidies. I will not complain or revolt even when it becomes obvious we are being governed by corporate gangsters and banking shills.

For the profit they cherish, we perish:

For the profit they cherish, we perish.

While children with illnesses we could cure,

Had the funds been in place, in each case;

Lie in cold beds on freezing damp floors.

While crime grows, it seems treason is the reason,

This corruption continues to cause rot.

The Tory's weak stories excuse these dire crises,

As they pilfer from the workers' slim pot.

As the resources to fix all these problems, 

Escape to bloated accounts far offshore.

From food banks, we feed, as poverty caused by greed

continues to grow, does it not?

So what good could the censors accomplish?

As they silence complaints we have in scores.

While gaslit by the papers, the victims' lives taper

into years less than their hard work should accord.

If we seek to change our Union for the better

The green lands we adore; they have scorned,

Challenge this foul administration, that governs our nations.

And stop this waged war on the poor.

Global economy:

Regardless of how money was created and its alleged value to trading. Ultimately, money is simply a human construct that in practice allows a tiny minority to own and control the vast majority of the world's actual resources (Land, Water, Human Labour). Since the loss of the gold standard in 1931 (UK) 1933 and fully in 1971 (US) money is no longer tied to a physical resource. Coupled with Fractional Reserve Banking and FIAT currency money has become more digital to the point where the majority of money is now fractionally created and is predominantly just on computers and balance sheets. What this means for the working class going forward is that we can be cut off from the means required to live and support our families at the push of a button. Global debts are over $300 trillion, over 4x global GDP. Proving the system to be a farce. The more global debt rises the more of our 'actual' resources are bought up by the wealthy via the polarization of capital and expansion of the poverty gap. A billionaire like Musk who has $191.2 billion - If he never earned another penny - could still spend $1,000,000 a day, every single day for over 523 years. Time to shake things up if we want to avoid a dystopian corporatocracy we need an ideological shift.

Extreme left?:

Sure, we believe in extreme fairness, extreme equality and extreme compassion. It is not extreme to want to feed children, have wages we can live on, reduce poverty and stop corporations from avoiding taxes which we all pay towards services and institutions. When corporations and millionaires use tax evasion/avoidance and tax havens they are depriving us of the money to repair the roads they use, the institutions we depend on and the infrastructure they exploit for their profit. To have a fair society with human rights and the right to free speech is civilization.

If you hadn't already guessed I'm quite far to the left and as such have been accused of being a Corbyn cultist. To which I usually reply that I'm off to pray to a 10ft effigy of Corbyn:

Our ideology that art for everyone. Socialism be thy name. Our time will come as capitalism is undone on earth as it is inevitable. Give unto those your daily charity and forgive us our profits. As we forgive neoliberals who use profit against us. And lead us not into greed, but deliver us from monopolies. For thine is dialectical materialism, class struggle against the Tories. Forever and ever, ahem...

Corbyn chose to go against his own beliefs for the good of the party he was leading. We all know that Labour would have been sunk if they'd gone against the referendum as the tabloids were frothing at mouth with bile against anyone who didn't support 'the public mandate' so let's not pretend we live in a theoretical Britain. Thanks to Corbyn the party enjoyed the biggest swing to Labour since 1945 and he increased membership from around 200k to around 580k which made Labour the biggest party in Europe. Corbyn also turned party finances around to create a surplus within 2 years. They were chanting his name at concerts and nightclubs up and down the country. The media assassination of Corbyn and misrepresentation of him was the only flaw in his leadership and not of his own making. No one is perfect, I don't always agree with Corbyn but Britain would be in a far better place if we'd had him instead of Boris. Imagine the difference to the challenges the UK has recently faced Pandemic, lockdowns, Brexit negotiations if Corbyn had won with his Free Broadband, Green Industrial Revolution, Rebuilding Public Services, Tackling Poverty and Inequality ensuring the NHS was funded and that no school child goes hungry. Not to mention the re-nationalisation of the energy market and the fact that all that was offered for around £60 billion, a tiny fraction of what the Tories have wasted.

I'm just so grateful the magnificent Labour party are carrying the flag against Tory economic inequality. So glad they didn't sell out under Blair, so pleased Starmer isn't a Blair tribute act and definitely didn't torpedo his own leader at the last General Election. Overjoyed that Starmer picked a side in Brexit and held true to course with integrity and honesty. So pleased that in the first year and a half of Starmer's leadership that the membership didn't drop by over 25%. So grateful to have such wonderful down to earth representatives of working-class traditions like supporting the Unions and striking workers, protecting migrants and taxing corporations and the wealthy.

Reading Marx does not necessarily make someone a Marxist. In the same way, reading Dumbo doesn't necessarily make someone... an Elephant.

While Blair will flinch, and Starmer sneers. We'll keep the red flag flying here.

I will of course vote for Labour begrudgingly to remove the Tories. But the choice between red or blue flavoured neoliberalism is not one I would have hoped for.


The idea of a national health service was first written about in 1910 in The Dawn of the Health Age which was probably the first to use the words 'National Health Service'.

Labour created the NHS, and the model used was unique to them. Because the idea of a national health service existed and many parties produced their own ideological version of it, does not negate the fact that the service we use is the Labour party model, unique to Labour ideology.

The one the Tories voted down 21 times. The NHS model the Labour party produced gives us Publicly Owned Hospitals and is Nationally Provided which is completely incompatible with Tory ideology. The Tories proposed Nationally Organised and Privately Owned Hospitals. This is the model which the Tories are trying to move the NHS towards.

We had double the amount of beds, more hospitals, more ambulances, far more doctors and GP surgeries with family doctors who knew your history, no waiting times and a more streamlined service decades ago for a fraction of the cost. Selling off NHS assets, while outsourcing and adding layers of admin through soft privatisation is the reason for the current problems. Since the Health and Social Care Act came into force in 2013, which stipulated that "any qualified" provider could bid for NHS contracts, spending on non-NHS providers has increased no end. By 2018 the number of contracts awarded to the private sector had increased sevenfold since the act came into force. A large portion of the NHS budget is now going to shareholders.

I saw a nurse at the checkout the other day being refused service when trying to pay for her groceries with claps.


Capitalism provides an addictive elixir that once tasted, leaves you parched for life. You will beggar yourself to keep drinking that distilled malignant concoction of short-sighted megalomania and blind greed. There are those privileged few who manage to imbibe the foul infectious inverted panacea for life and bequeathed their progeny enough of the foul fluid to ensure conscription to genetic stagnation and intellectual atrophy for life.

Neoliberalism is re-emerging as a fledgling neo-fascist Phoenix, rising from the ashes of the 1940s and suckling on the diseased rancid teat of disaster capitalism, while feeding the fires of global conflict. Never Forget?

So just sit back and enjoy the show as corporate billionaires ascend to omnipotent deities in a dystopian corporatocracy while the human race, our history and achievements are gradually devoured by the rancid, festering disease known as disaster capitalism.


A bloke many years ago stole some land and titles off another bloke by convincing some serfs to fight for him. A few generations later the family got into debt after a huge tea party and King George the 3rd sold the land his ancestors won in battle at the cost of a few thousand serfs, to the state for a pension plan and to avoid bankruptcy.

The state now owns that land but still supports his family many generations later at the cost of over £334 million per annum, while some of the more prominent "working" Royals cost the taxpayer an average of £18 million per annum according to recent studies. PS No one mention the mad king that lost America!

Still, I'm glad we still have a ruling class to pay for - who lord it over us while we sweat and toil just to pay our bills. So glad we didn't evolve beyond a monarchy and are still treated like serfs. Makes me proud to be an illiterate peasant, happy to vote for the continued inequity.

Although, having a Royal Family is like owning a really expensive breed of dog that only eats gold, can't do any tricks, has an expensive medical condition due to inbreeding, barks and growls at you when you approach and then shits all over your house... and lives for centuries...

But It's so wonderful to see our new King, can't wait to bow down and doff my cap to his Royal Heinous. I'll be forelock tugging all day as I'm so happy to still be a subject of a feudal system and therefore essentially a serf. God save our King and those wonderful upper-class Tories whose philanthropy is unmatched. I only wish I could bow and scrape all the time but I have to work 23 hours a day to pay for my electricity.


Somewhere in a parallel dimension, there is another version of Earth where human beings are all being exploited to the brink of extinction by a small group of megalomaniacs intent on turning the human race into cash cows. The Earth is being made uninhabitable and while the majority of people can barely afford the basics, billionaires are taking day trips to space. The main difference between this parallel world and ours is that the parallel world is simply an accurate allegory.

And here we see the global corporation the apex predator of the urban jungle - with no natural predators - feeding on its prey, the consumer, without a care in the world. A flock of tax collectors take to the sky in fear. A few vicous packs of politicians and shareholders scurry around in the near distance watching hungrily, these carrion eaters will pick the bones of the consumer after the global corporation has had its fill.

Well if it's a choice between funding social care and wheelchairs for the disabled or continuing to pump money into corporate greed through subsidies and tax relief for corporations. I say fund corporate greed, after all, poor people will just waste their money on clothes, heating, food and rent. While the billionaires who take taxpayer money in subsidies will put it to good use by buying another luxury yacht. Rich people are special and deserve every luxury our poverty can provide them!

Corporate apology template:

Dear Pauper,

We are sorry we killed/offended/caused suffering/caused catastrophic environmental damage or anything else you financially deprived peasants like to moan about.

Please be advised our board of directors and shareholders are only concerned with profit. Unless you actually hit us where it hurts (profit margins) we will ignore you and continue to do just as we please.

Please also be aware that we are probably too big to fail but if we do you will bail us out. We will make more money from this situation than will be fined because of it and therefore no longer give a damn what you think.

Kind Regards,

Profiteering morally devoid incompetents who are ruining the planet and risking the future of the species for short-term financial gains.


Our culture includes Tea from China and Curries from India, Chinese takeaways, Middle-Eastern kebabs, Bavarian Beer, and Christian ethics from the Middle East thanks to some bloke named Jesus. We had Ska and Two-tone music thanks to the Caribbean/Jamaican influence. Mesopotamian numeracy and currency, Greek Democracy, and several contributions from the Romans including straight roads, hypocausts, irrigation, the aqueduct, sanitation etc. The ship sailed on multiculturalism genetically, culturally and literally centuries ago when we invented boats...

Trump: AKA Sentient satsuma, Authoritarian apricot, Orange oligarch, Tangerine troglodyte, Mango Mussolini.

I love Trump because he's so mature and speaks so eloquently and cautiously. Always pays his taxes, he's never filed for corporations he owns to go bankrupt, always pays his workforce, and fights so very hard to provide Americans with healthcare. He always puts the US first before his own petty agenda. You wouldn't have to ask Trump 5 times to serve his country in war, he'd jump at the opportunity. He's extremely generous to his friends on Wall St. And his voice is reminiscent of angels descending from the heavens to bless your ears with humanity, compassion and decency...

Goodbye to Trump:

Goodbye, you orange bastard,

may you rot in the deepest prison.

For the consequences of your actions,

you will never be forgiven.

I know karma will eventually find you

and when it finally comes to town;

You'll pay for all the lives you've ruined.

You psychotic fucking clown...

Life Slips:

Life - so pathetically plastic, please sterilize my days,

With celebrity gossip and repeated TV shows I've seen a hundred times.

Lul me with some music; overproduced and auto-tuned

lyrically banal and sung by some beautiful fool,

while my life slips ever faster from my grasp.

Let me dream of winning the lottery or Britain's got talent.

So I can validate my existence and earn sympathy from my history.

Here's my backstory; tragedy and loss, like everyone else you meet

but they can't sing as well as me, so their story remains untold.

Still, life slips ever faster from my grasp.

While the news gives me a thousand things to fear; war, disease and poverty,

Environmental apathy, political monotony, boundaries to make it them and me.

Politics of the envious? loss of the moral majority? a life devoid of empathy.

Just focus on your dead-end job, keep the faith while treading water in a sea of debt,

Almost want my life to slip ever faster from my grasp.

Frustration flowing through my veins like lightning urging me to action

while paralyzing me with a thunderous thrombosis of apologetic apathy.

I'm tied to my house, car, debt, job and the perception of myself I cultivate.

While I struggle to relate my ever-deeper depression and lethal lethargy.

As my life slips ever faster from my grasp.

So much wonder in the universe that I will never see, blinded by binge-watching the TV.

Such a bounteous beauty in the world that's unknown to me, stuck in these four walls.

So many people just like me I will never meet, to avoid the communal void we all feel.

Fill my life, with graves of days spent languishing lethargically; mouth agasp.

Life slips ever faster from my grasp.

Before I leave you a few more reworks.

"To be, or not to be a dictatorship, that is the question:

Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer

The slings and arrows of a decade of Tory cuts,

Or to rise up against a corrupt government

or by not opposing them. To die as sheep..."

"Tear gas on miners and pepper spray in Britain

Cruel coppers kettling and truncheoned heads splitting

Brown paper envelopes; ransoms for kings

These are a few of the Tory's favourite things."

"Remember, remember Tory sleaze this November,

and how our government have all lost the plot.

They will never see reason;

while they profit from treason.

In the old days, they would all have been shot."

Reworking of a famous poem by Mary Elizabeth Frye.

Do not stand at my grave and weep,

I am Inequality, I do not sleep.

I am ten million workers on wages low,

Trudging to work through freezing snow.

I am the sun that burns as you harvest grain,

The autumn rain that soaks your pain. 

When you wake in morning and to work you rush,

I am the depressed commuter against whom you brush.

The dead-eyed citizens you circle in fright,

That cry over debt; and can't sleep at night. 

Do not stand at my grave and weep.

I do not care for cowering sheep.

(Do not stand at my grave and cry,

unless you oppose me, I will never die!)

Final Thoughts:

Money is simply a human construct that allows a tiny minority to control the majority of the world's 'actual' resources. There are only two actual resources - Human beings and the Planet (Vegetable, Animal, Mineral) and these are exploited to the detriment of the species and the near extinction of the human race and the ecosystems we rely on to survive. We are communal animals, social animals we can't survive without each other. No matter how much wealth we have we are still reliant on people growing our food, maintaining our machinery/tools, cleaning our environment, healing our ailments and a functional ecosystem to provide us with oxygen. Allowing the ego to convince us we are special or some sort of demi-god because we own a successful corporation or have excessive wealth is a mental ailment. The more resources we use the more we rely on the exploitation of child labour, sweatshops and poverty wages.

In my 50 years of life, I've seen things go from bad to worse while in more recent history the rise of the far right has become a severe problem globally. When we don't show our abhorrence to economic euthanasia or excess deaths directly linked to cuts. We normalize/enable this behaviour with our lack of opposition. It's pointless to politely explain to the Tories what they are doing is wrong. It's about as much use as an ashtray on the International Space Station. They already know, they are corrupt, they manipulate the system and the media to protect themselves. They are profiteering while shortening the lives of our families and loved ones. They use censorship to prevent our abhorrence of their policies being shared. This has led to the rise of the right and the neutering of the left at a time when the Overton window is being forced further to the right. 

We have a proud history in the UK of heroes (Fighting Fascism in world wars, Rebecca Rioters, Tolpuddle Martyrs, Chartists, Scotch Cattle, Wat Tyler and the peasant's revolt, Suffragettes and the Anti-Slavery Society to name a few) who gave their lives for the rights the Tories are now taking away with legislation. They didn't make the ultimate sacrifice, so their progeny could apathetically enable the Tory agenda while binge-watching TV and finding things to be offended by on social media. We need to be offended by actions that cost lives and immense suffering, not the justified abhorrence and anger of decent people. For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction, unless there is no opposing force.

When I die, I would just like to be remembered as the guy who gave his taxes to the government to waste on cronyism and corporate greed, without question. Who never resented the endless tax increases and loss of freedoms. Who consumed and got into debt to enrich the wealthy elite, without a hint of complaint. A man who was happy to go without food and heating so that wealthy shareholders could top up their off-shore accounts. A man who played by the rules, even while the rules were playing him. Bless the wealthy elitists and corrupt politicians alike.

I'm that old I can remember when politicians used to resign for impropriety. When we ate real food and when corporations paid enough wages to live on and didn't try to destroy the planet in order to make short-sighted profits.

It's important at Christmas to remember all those who suffer. It can't be easy being a Tory MP, having to give taxpayer money to their mates knowing that they are causing such immense suffering in society to the hungry children, the vulnerable and disabled, the freezing pensioners and the poverty-stricken workers. To have to live with that guilt and shame while forcing themselves to drink huge quantities of champagne every night just to get to sleep. So please spare a thought for Tory MPs and their supporters this Christmas.

Having suffered from anxiety in the past I came to realise it's natural to occasionally feel this way for people who have compassion and empathy in a world such as ours. While I don't suffer from it anymore I'd like to post this mantra I made to help others with their anxiety.

Winning verse:

I am in control,

And I will win.

For I am not a victim.

The fear that feeds 

Inside my mind,

Will very soon subside.

And soon enough,

The fear did go.

For fear of fear no longer grows.

Inside my mind,

Relaxed and calm,

An inner strength with winning charm.

Is gradually 

Helping me.

To see the fear as others see.

For it is weak,

And I am strong.

No fear is here the fear is gone.


Thunder personifies power,

Lightning saturates sight.

Rain cleanses the soul,

The wind allows flight.

The Sun exudes energy, 

The Moon is reflective.

The mountains raise us up, 

The valleys permit perspective.  

The snow bestows beauty, 

The waterfall delineates depth.

Lakes provide peace, 

Rivers reveal the path.

The storm invites invigoration, 

The sky supplies scope.

The day delivers decisions, 

The night harnesses hope. 

The woods render respite, 

The Earth endows equilibrium. 

The sea soothes the spirit, 

The stars illuminate infinity - a supernal solarium.

Please also support these great youtube communities if you don't already: 

Daily Blase -

A Different Bias -

Maximilien Robespierre -

GarysEconomics -

PoliticsJoe -

Michael Lambert -

chunkymark -

Double Down News -

Peter Stefanovic -

Canary -

Van Man Talks -

Byline TV -

Novara Media -

Jonathan Pie -

My apologies for any I've missed.

I hope you have enjoyed these little snippets and thoughts. We are all part of a growing community of people resisting the wealthy and the cruel to make a better life for future generations. For that, I love and appreciate you and wish you all the very best. Take care and enjoy the rest of the day and I will hopefully compile some more for your reading pleasure in the near future. I'm currently unemployed so If you enjoyed the book or I made you smile or cry then please feel free to buy me coffee at, Thanks! 

The End.